
Oz said:
You're the one whingeing about it :shrug:

Either get it dealt with or deal....

whine: To complain or protest in a childish fashion.
To moan with a childish noise; to complain, or to tell of sorrow, distress, or the like, in a plaintive, nasal tone; hence, to complain or to beg in a mean, unmanly way; to moan basely.

I think the headache is affecting yer eyesight

whinge ( P ) Pronunciation Key (hwnj, wnj)
intr.v. Chiefly British whinged, whing·ing, whing·es

To complain or protest, especially in an annoying or persistent manner.

Lemme ask yer this dude, if it were tonks or the kids who'd had a headache for weeks......wot would ya suggest they do?

Go to the doctors, or ask for advice on an internet messageboard? :shrug:
Chiefly British <-not affecting my eyesight at all. You just used terminoligy that is local and looked like an Anglicizing of 'whining' in the same vein as color-colour and so forth. My first though was that it was a typo for whineing. Slang can be such a pain at times since it leads to misunderstandings... but in this case it would appear that the base definition is the same.

Insofar as the headache goes, it went away two days ago with the readdition of the antihistamines into my daily cycle as the apparent early fall ragweed was causing me some grief in that I never really knew I was allergic to it or paid much notice to its effect. The headache was minor and just on the edge of being an annoyance. It was of no real cause for alarm. In that I have been away for so long it seemed to be a decent avenue for starting simple conversation and picking peoples brains for simple local curatives. I thought such a topic would have stirred a little bit of action... but it appears that all I have done is cause you annoyance. I thought you knew me better than that.
unclehobart said:
... but it appears that all I have done is cause you annoyance. I thought you knew me better than that.

Geezus dude, not annoyance.....frustration mebbe.

Frustration that someone who's post i've always enjoyed may have been seriously ill and wasn't gettin' off his arse and doing anything about it. I know I can be a brash bugger....yer can blame over decade of me playing dad for that.....but one of the curses of the internet is that things can be misunderstood :shrug:

IMO a continuing headache is a bad thing........but if the antihistamines are working, it's all for the good :)
I don't get it, AFAIK the relationship between caffeine and headaches is that it provokes them not relieves them :confuse3:
Sorry, Oz. Didn't mean to make it seem like I was teetering on my last legs and trying to dodge deaths grasp with voodoo incantations and whatnot. If it were that bad, I would be off to the doccys in a jif. I don't like that level of mysterious crippling pain anymore than the next bloke. We've always gotten along so chummy. Thats why I took your seemingly harsh tone with a harsh tone of my own as I was feeling a bit of 'What set him off so bad as to be mad at me?'. Its quite true that misunderstandings abound on the net as these words convey no real emotion or body language. Were still buddy buddy. :lloyd: No harm done.

Luis, It all depends upon the nature of the headache. Caffeine is listed as a headache curative and is bundled into many medicines for such. It supposedly helps combat regular headaches (which are based upon the veins tightening up, aka vasoconstriction) by increasing bloodflow with a faster heartrate thereby delivering more oxygen to the 'hurt' areas. This of course is bad if the headache in and of itself was caused by caffeine overdosing in the first place. Migraines are a tricky lot since they are primarily vasodilation, aka widening, of the brain veinous tissue. Sometimes caffeine helps, sometimes its a stabbing knife.
Wouldn't have done me any good as 90%+ of over the counter meds are compressed corn starch tablets anyway. That kind of trouble I don't need.
It all turned out to be the first sinusitis volley in a multi-layered head cold, chest cold, migraine, throat infection, different sinus infection, both ears infected, eardrums exploding, run through 2 boxes of tissues a day month long nightmare.
HomeLAN said:
You finally beat that shit, or are you playing typhoid Mary at the party Friday?
we have...sorta. still coughing and blowing noses but we've rallied. i'll be sure to sniffle next to you though ;)
Oh, if I was gonna get it, Unc would have already infected me. Not to mention the little while I spent in your little Bio weapons lab fixing his machine. I was thinking of the other guests.
HomeLAN said:
Oh, if I was gonna get it, Unc would have already infected me. Not to mention the little while I spent in your little Bio weapons lab fixing his machine. I was thinking of the other guests.

As a frequent allergy sufferer myself, I can assure you that sinusitis is not communicable. ;) It can, however, lead to frequent trips to the pharmacy for sudafed on the sufferers part. ;)
don't tell me this crap isn't contagious! half the damn people in marietta are spreading around this...giant collection of cooties. i can't get well it seems.
unclehobart said:
I've been plauged by some pretty bad headaches over the last few weeks. Anyone got some folklore or some sure fire curatives to suggest?

Cut off a limb. Never fails to cure the headache. Problem is it only works a certain number of times.