HEADLINE:Fearing the future, few Iraqis cheer US departure

nah you can vote for my Son
he knows the sheeple need to be sheared
not slaughtered.

A good sheperd cares of his flock, his livelihood depends on it.
The REAL problem in the Middle East is the blood-thirsty 7th century Islamic law.


that picture has nothing to do with sharia. those guys have made superficial cuts on their heads and the blood symbolizes the battle wounds of hussein, a very important figure in their religion. it's no different than the christians that re-enact the crucifixion. next time, know what you are talking about.
But is does have everything to with an unquenchable blood thirst.

I haven't seen any mass ritualistic crucifixions lately, have you?
Funny. While I have read about this happening in some places, I've never seen any of blood letting among the tens of thousands of Christians I have known over the years. I haven't even heard of anyone participating in such an event. I suppose carrying a cross might be considered selfmutliation to you, dunno!?

What does this religious rite of bleeding symbolize to the people who participate? hmmmmm.

However, I had my head cut in a ritualistic manner when I was but 8 days old. Do you wanna see pictures?
you do want to be less dependent, right jim?

Dependent on oil -- yes.

Dependent on the current sources of oil -- no.

Try getting a copy of "Modern Marvels: The Secrets of Oil" and you will see that we are wholly dependent on oil; and that dependency is not going to go away any time soon.
i'm more than a little bit familiar with our massive dependence on oil, weaving its sticky little fingers through our entire economy/infrastructure.

time to do something about it. as i said, incremental moves toward other energy sources.

or perhaps it's time for what schumpeter called creative destruction of capital.
another 145,000 Iraqis killed in Iranian nuclear strikes today

Destruction of the economy is well under way at this rate of
growth the demand for oil will continue to fall.
Of course with a hyperinflated dollar who'd want to buy
a gallon of gas that costs $ 2,700.00 anyway?
The demand for oil worldwide continues to grow while the supply diminshes and the places where you get the oil gets more expensive to extract than before. The price of a barrel will gow up so long as the demand rises. Cut the demand. Simple, eh.
Mission Accomplished

Expound on this 'cut demand simple eh' thing.

How do you cut demand for a resource which
more and more people want?

My advice is contained in my sig
and hasn't a thing to do with reducing oil production output.

lemme know your thoughts there Algore
Alternative energy sources for the power-grid. Nuclear is a good option, as is solar, hydroelectric, wind turbines etc...
Alternative power-sources for transportion.
Alternative materials for roads, highways, driveways etc...

There are your top-3 uses with plastics being #4. and fertilizer/pesticides/herbicides coming in close by.


You produce about 5million barrels/day and import roughly twice that number
You have about 21billion barrels in potential oil in the USA.
Roughly 4200 days worth of oil at current use if you drill every possible local source, including all you might get from deap-sea drilling.

Perhaps it might be time to look at lowering your daily consumption from 15mbd to something more reasonable.
Cheap power and fast internet!

we ain’t gonna lower shit

we are gonna grow out of this Obamanation
we find ourselves in and that requires moar power

220 221 whatever it takes
They should slave away in those Foxxcon factories making iPhones
and accept worthless pieces of green paper with dead Presidents
printed on them, till the very last one jumps from the edge of the building.
Well, if it does all go to hell ounce we leave; at least we can rest knowing that we offered them an opportunity to become a respectable nation with enough freedom to show some humor.

BAGHDAD — An Iraqi reality television program broadcast during Ramadan has been planting fake bombs in celebrities’ cars, having an Iraqi army checkpoint find them and terrifying the celebrities into thinking that they are headed for maximum security prison.

LOL, gotcha!