Health care debate incites violence


Well-Known Member
Sure......blame conservative talk radio, why don't cha?

Dems blame vandalism on healthcare rhetoric

Eleven windows at the Colorado Democratic Party headquarters on Santa Fe Drive were shattered early this morning in a vandalism spree that party Chairwoman Pat Waak blamed on animosity surrounding the health care debate.

Sometime before 3 a.m. a vandal apparently used a hammer to smash the picture windows, which were emblazoned with posters touting President Barack Obama and the Democratic position on healthcare reform.

"We ought to be having a serious, conscientious debate about what's best for the country," Waak said. "Clearly there's been an effort on the other side to stir up hate. I think this is the consequence of it."

For weeks, both conservative and liberal groups have vehemently argued their positions on healthcare - specifically the so-called "public option" - at rallies and protests around the country.
Sure......blame conservative talk radio, why don't cha?

Dems blame vandalism on healthcare rhetoric

And you are just overjoyed aren't you? Sometimes you really make me sick. You have no use at all for free speech, dissent from your narrow minded opinions. You seem to believe anyone who doesn't share your narrow hate tinged philosophies is un-American. I got news for you, it is your attitude that is un-American! From some of the crap you post I'd estimate your age at about ten.

Dead Kennedys said:
You're a star-belly sneech
You suck like a leach
You want everyone to act like you
Kiss ass while you bitch
So you can get rich
But your boss gets richer off you

Somehow that lind seems to fit a lot of conservatives. Other lines in that song fit sickening liberals. That is what makes it such a good song.
well, the far right fringies are the ones who keep using the language of violence, show up with guns at debates, and blather all kinds of irrational shit about death panels and whatnot.

see, they're all actually planted by the far left in order to make the right look incredibly irrational and foolish, thus helping their own bloated-as-fuck health care package sleaze into law. that's right folks, palin, the plumber, and all these protesting dipshits masquerading as the dumb side of middle america are actually getting paid by CPUSA (all four remaining members) to make the right look ridiculous.

or maybe all those morons are just doing the left a favor without realizing it.

so please, join up, get your little flag on a stick, and twirl, twirl, twirl!
the juggernaut is somewhat uncontrollable, and it's been poked with a stick.

while some may hurt the cause, some here and there, doesn't mean the
cause will be given up by the others.
And you are just overjoyed aren't you? Sometimes you really make me sick. You have no use at all for free speech, dissent from your narrow minded opinions. You seem to believe anyone who doesn't share your narrow hate tinged philosophies is un-American. I got news for you, it is your attitude that is un-American! From some of the crap you post I'd estimate your age at about ten.

Are you saying that dems blaming talkradio for citizens speaking out against 0bamacare is free speech, or that dems blaming talkradio for criminal action is free speech? Or that citizens speaking out against 0bamacare that is free speech? Or that citizens committing criminal action is free speech?

Are you saying that dems blaming talkradio for citizens speaking out against 0bamacare is free speech, or that dems blaming talkradio for criminal action is free speech? Or that citizens speaking out against 0bamacare that is free speech? Or that citizens committing criminal action is free speech?


I'm saying just about everything you post is ignorant, misguided, self serving and hypocritical. That clear enough for ya?!?
You want to talk about ignorant, misguided, self serving and hypocritical. All your ranting and it turned out it was a dem operative that vandalized the dem headquarters. Pretty funny.

Now that the facts are out you must think he was exercising his freedom of speech by breaking those plateglass windows so he could pin it on the right.

Narrow hate tinged philosophies. Yeah, the left sure does have them, don't they? :rolleyes:
More narrow hate tinged violence from the right.

In Virgina, a filled-to-capacity town hall meeting on health care, as widely reported, was marred by disruptions by the anti-abortion zealot Randall Terry and his small band of followers. Tuesday's meeting was convened by Rep. Jim Moran, D-Va., and featured Howard Dean as a speaker.

Less well reported was the fisticuffs that took place outside the high school auditorium where the meeting took place.

Anti-Abortion Extremist Ejected After "Murder" Incitement

WASHINGTON, Aug. 26 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Last night in northern Virginia, Representative James Moran and Governor Howard Dean held a town hall meeting on health care that was attended by thousands of people. Anti-abortion extremist Randall Terry, the founder of Operation Rescue, had announced prior to the event that he would be there to disrupt it by accusing President Obama of "killing Granny and babies." Velvet Revolution was there with cameras.

After a spirited defense of health care reform, which at least 75% of the crowd supported, Congressman Moran introduced Howard Dean. Immediately, Mr. Terry and a handful of his followers began screaming from the middle of the room, "We won't pay for murder" and "Howard Dean murders babies." The Congressman demanded civility but was ignored. He then told the crowd that Mr. Terry was there to disrupt the event and offered to allow him to ask a question, but Mr. Terry kept screaming. Finally, thousands of people surrounded the disrupters and began chanting, "Kick him out, kick him out." The police then escorted Mr. Terry and his band of disrupters out of the meeting and off the property.

Velvet Revolution captured the entire event on video and posted it on YouTube. ( It shows that Mr. Terry was not interested in a democratic debate of the issues but instead wanted to shut down debate and incite people to violence.

Operation Rescue has been inciting violence against women's health care professionals for years, and that incitement has been directly implicated in the death and maiming of many people, including the recent assassination of Dr. George Tiller by Scott Roeder, a self described follower of Randall Terry and Operation Rescue. VR vehemently condemns these attacks on the democratic process and urges vigilance to ensure debate without violence or incitement to violence.
As reported by the media:

The event was briefly interrupted by antiabortion activist Randall Terry and his supporters, who stood and shouted from the gym floor as Moran introduced Dean.

Apparently, actual news sources have a different outlook on the intensity of the scene than the "progressive" blogs you cite. :rolleyes:

"AlterNet is a key player in the echo chamber of progressive ideas and vision."

VelvetRevolution ("VR") is a network of more than 120 progressive organizations reaching millions of people demanding progressive change through our VR Media, Electoral Reform, Conflict Resolution and Youth Revolution Campaigns.
VR is a citizen's brigade that will use every available legal and peaceful means to depose the a corrupt agenda, no matter where it is found (currently, the so-called "neo-conservatives" are leading the way in this regard!)
The tactics and the power of the Democrats and progressives in this country have not been sufficient to check the actions of a corrupt Republican agenda.

Dean scream
What is, has been and always will be clear Cerise, is that your wealth of ignorance and desire to color your "truth" is astounding! The kid who did it might have ties to some radical left group; so the fuck what?!? That doesn't mean he is supported, or in any way in collusion with Democrats that advocate health care reform. If I judged everyone on the right by how you act in your postings, I would think that the entire right needs serious mental health professional help, but I have it a little more together than that and have a much firmer grasp of reality fortunately.
The kid who did it might have ties to some radical left group; so the fuck what?!? That doesn't mean he is supported, or in any way in collusion with Democrats that advocate health care reform.

He has ties to a CO Dem org, which has ties to the SEIU, which has been at many townhalls this month trying to silence dissent. :shrug:


SOS ID: 20085621714
Reporting Period: 10/23/2008 - 11/30/2008 Due: 12/04/2008

Date: 11/06/2008
1065 LIPAN
DENVER, CO 80204

Expenditure Type: Electioneering
Original Amount Reported: $0.00
Actual Amount: $500.00

Field Organizer: Colorado for Health Care

Field Director: Colorado Citizens' Coalition

Canvass Director: Progressive Future

Presidential Field Campaign, Field Organizer: SEIU

Presidential Field Campaign, Political Data Lead: SEIU
With a majority of Americans in favor of a public option, one has to wonder why so many of you self-proclaimed conservatives (you realize of course that you are not in fact anything of the kind, Goldwater or Reagan would have disavowed you in a heartbeat) are so vociferously opposed. Why is it that you guys hate America and Americans so much?
You have no use at all for free speech, dissent from your narrow minded opinions. You seem to believe anyone who doesn't share your narrow hate tinged philosophies is un-American.

You seem to find them stupid.

Explain the differences.
With a majority of Americans in favor of a public option, one has to wonder why so many of you self-proclaimed conservatives (you realize of course that you are not in fact anything of the kind, Goldwater or Reagan would have disavowed you in a heartbeat) are so vociferously opposed. Why is it that you guys hate America and Americans so much?

I've yet to meet a single individual who wants this. Some, many in fact, spout stuff about "fixing the system" but nobody can identify the problem, other than soem financial burden.

Return to the pre-liberal (progresive) thinking that made America what she is & we can do anything.