Health care debate incites violence

I've yet to meet a single individual who wants this. Some, many in fact, spout stuff about "fixing the system" but nobody can identify the problem, other than soem financial burden.

Most Americans want this and most of them can identify the problems which have been identified to you several times already.
A lot of the problems are financial in nature. But is the fact that many people with pre-existing conditions can't get insurance at all a financial problem?

Who really cares what category of problems we have? There's problems that need to be addressed. I don't understand this tactic of yours where you take a list of problems, classify them as financial, and then act like they don't exist.
With a majority of Americans in favor of a public option, one has to wonder why so many of you self-proclaimed conservatives (you realize of course that you are not in fact anything of the kind, Goldwater or Reagan would have disavowed you in a heartbeat) are so vociferously opposed. Why is it that you guys hate America and Americans so much?

The majority of Americans do not want a government option.

Why ignore the lessons of history and try to push through a flawed proposal that will equal the failed policies of other distressed and bankrupt socialized medical systems?

How can you convince yourself that adding "46 million uninsured" to the health care system will not only cost nothing, but actually save money, when 0bama has already spent a fortune in your's, your kid's, and your kid's kid's money 8 months into his admin? The prediction is that 0bamacare will cost one trillion dollars over the next 10 years. Who do you think will pay for it?

Americans weren't born to live their lives indebted to the gov. We don't want the gov. to tell us how to live, what to drive, how much we can earn, how much we must pay, whether we can be armed, what we can say, or why and when we can access medicine. Why invite the government into every single aspect of our lives? Remember the left's cry of "keep your laws off my body?" Why now embrace Socialism??

Government health care is about government control. Control over capitalism. Over small businesses. Over large corporations. Control over the citizenry. Section 245(b)(2)(A) of LB 3200 says the IRS must divulge tax return info to the Health Choices Commissioner. And it says nothing about a limit on what kind of info is available or unavailable.

Government health care isn't about health care at all. Congress is not about to allow health care spending to inflate without grabbing more of the pie for themselves.

Government health care is about what they can do for themselves, not what they can do for us.
It's about access to healthcare for those that don't have it now.

A new poll by a nonpartisan, D.C.-based research group finds truly overwhelming support for the public option. The kicker: The poll was bankrolled partly by previous opponents of health care reform, including one of the nation’s best-known insurance companies.

The poll — which was just released by the Employee Benefit Research Institute, a D.C. policy think tank — finds that a majority (53%) strongly back the availability of a public plan, while another 30% “somewhat” support it. That’s a total of 83% in favor of a public plan — a staggeringly large majority.

Even more interesting, guess who paid for the poll? From the release:

This survey was made possible with support from AARP, American Express, Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, Buck Consultants, Chevron, Deere & Company, IBM, Mercer, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Principal Financial Group, Schering-Plough Corp., Shell Oil Company, The Commonwealth Fund, and Towers Perrin.

Not exactly a band of raging lefties. The American Association of Retired Persons and Blue Cross Blue Shield were among the opponents of HillaryCare in the 1990s.

While the news in this poll is not uniformly good for Obama’s plan by any means, the public plan is the main focus of debate right now, and on this, the poll is unequivocal. What’s more, it’s backed up by the new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, which finds that three in four think the public option is important.
Gotta love catching the RNC in their sleazy misinformation tactics. :laugh:

I just chatted with Raymond Denny, the 64-year-old La Center, Wash., man who received the RNC’s “2009 Future of American Health Survey,” which alleged that President Obama’s health reform plans might discriminate against Republicans. Here’s the survey question:

It's about access to healthcare for those that don't have it now.

You mean so you don't have to pay for your girlfriend's prescription. :rolleyes:

If she gets around the "death panel" with a chronic condition, that it.
Many millions of people should have access to healthcare, not just my girlfriend.

Since it's been proven that there are no death panels we don't have anything to worry about.
Gotta love catching the RNC in their sleazy misinformation tactics. :laugh:

Let me source that one for you, spikey:

The Washington Independent is a fleet-footed webpaper of politics and policy. We are the ink-stained wretches of the digital era. We aim for snap-crackle-pop reporting in our articles and blog posts – all working together to tell a bigger story.
Hey, cool. A Poll. :bgtup:

1. No

2. Other: nothing

3. Yes

4. Yes

5. No

6. Yes

7. No

And check out the comments at the columbian.
A lot of the problems are financial in nature. But is the fact that many people with pre-existing conditions can't get insurance at all a financial problem?

Who really cares what category of problems we have? There's problems that need to be addressed. I don't understand this tactic of yours where you take a list of problems, classify them as financial, and then act like they don't exist.

Wanna bet you can get insurance, even with a pre-existing condition? Wher the problem comes in, is, ta-da, financial.

It matters because until we identify a specific problem, nothing can be done to address the situation. Until you (general) address the specific issue, we'll not fix the real problem.
Many millions of people should have access to healthcare, not just my girlfriend.

Since it's been proven that there are no death panels we don't have anything to worry about.

Millions do. They just chose not to (or can't) afford it.

Nothing has been proven. There is no law. The bill has been shown to include all kinds of crap (including things that can be suggested to be "death panels")
Wanna bet you can get insurance, even with a pre-existing condition?

Sure, I already know the answer because we've tried.

It matters because until we identify a specific problem, nothing can be done to address the situation. Until you (general) address the specific issue, we'll not fix the real problem.

We're addressing the specific problems Gonz. People with pre-existing conditions can't get insurance, claims are denied, millions are without insurance.

You know, the problems the bill is trying to address?
Nothing has been proven. There is no law. The bill has been shown to include all kinds of crap (including things that can be suggested to be "death panels")

No there has never been anything in the bills that resembles a death panel that would kill grandma or Palin's baby. It was a lie.
Sure, I already know the answer because we've tried.

Did you specifically tell them that cost, any cost, was no factor?

People with cancer can get life insurance. They'll pay for it though.