heat output of computers


Well-Known Member
Whats a good way to calculate this? We've got servers running on a wide majority of machines, from P133s to Athlon MPs. An air conditioner went out last night in one of the server rooms and heated the place up to 95*F (thanks to many failures down the checksafe line....well hey, at least its not last last time, where it peaked in the 110*F range before it was detected). The cooling systems were designed when the building was built (circa 91'-92')to cool a few VAX/VMS and SymBIOS Raid servers, but of course, things have changed since then.

I'd like to rough-guestimate the heat capacities of our server rooms to help determine what needs to be done.

Thanks :headbang:
I think they have a device that measures how many watts your systems are consuming. From this I would assume you could figure it out since most of that energy is transfered is into heat.

I know my two socket 370 systems put out alot of heat and I am running two LCD's. This room is generall 5~10 deg. F higher than the rest of the apartment.
I suppose you could also do a check and see what the max watts each device consumes and use that as the ultimate max. Figure in HD, CPU, GPU, PSU, North bridge, monitors, and if you have other devices like switches etc.... Add them all up. I think it is pretty much regulation that the max watts devices consume be printed on them usually. iwould think even your mobop should have this. Otherwise some guy used a device plugged into the wall between his devices to know for sure which gave him a daily reading.
We're kicking around the idea of ethernet-based data loggers in each of the rooms. A major requirement would me some sort of tcp/ip readiness by the unit; have some kind of onboard server/web interface/telnet/whatever so the device can be remotely polled. I've found some, but most require Win-based proprietary software. Which means I'd have to add a system in each of the server rooms to do this. Doesn't make much sense. ;)

Has anyone used or seen any such data logging equipment? Any other ideas?
I would get a high amp multimeter of some sort that you can connect to your computer input whether it be serial, USB, etc.....

With this you could measure on screen you heat output essentially.

All you need is AMPs*Volts = Watts. Monitor both the volts and amps your devices are pulling at any given time and you can bet that that is probably close to what it is producing in watts or heat output. You can use this to figure how well your AC needs to cool. In fact you may be able to automate the whole thing:)

Here is a good start to figure it out. I don't usually recommend toms stuff but this looks good. My multimeter goes only to 10a on DC power which may be enough. I think you should be able to determine these readings in the PSU.

Ol'man is incorrect in measuring the power output. Devices consume power but do no radiate all consumed energy.
Hello tommyj27. Thanks for the welcome.

As for the sexy bit. Well I wouldn't say I'm sexy being a guy and all. Is this the same Ol'man as in HwC? (married now I think?)