Hello all, jw791 here

I like your site! And your Baxter is lovely! That looks like so much fun...I guess I've got some reading/construction to do :D
Hell, all I can train mine to do is not bring the ball back or if they do they won't give it to you unless you have a treat. Kinda mercenary that way. The cats, on the other hand, have my wife and I trained perfectly.
chcr said:
Hell, all I can train mine to do is not bring the ball back or if they do they won't give it to you unless you have a treat. Kinda mercenary that way. The cats, on the other hand, have my wife and I trained perfectly.

I've got mine trained to 'DROP IT' pretty well completely, she'll even drop meat out of her mouth if I tell her to...the agility looks fun to try :)
Leslie said:
chcr said:
Hell, all I can train mine to do is not bring the ball back or if they do they won't give it to you unless you have a treat. Kinda mercenary that way. The cats, on the other hand, have my wife and I trained perfectly.

I've got mine trained to 'DROP IT' pretty well completely, she'll even drop meat out of her mouth if I tell her to...the agility looks fun to try :)

I found this link - you probably already know of it, but was the only agility link I could find in Barrie. If you get a chance, you should give it a try - its lots of fun for the pups!

I hadn't known about that one, I'm still new to Barrie, but I'll give them a call, that's great! I'll have to go see one of their shows with Daisy and see if she's interested :)