helluva day already

I can't post pics, no cord :eh:

can't find the pliers either so I'm at a standstill. er
the motor is humming, no turn. I went and got a new belt for it...took the top off anyway cause that's screws...it didnt' seem to help matters much in figuring it all out. I'm gonna bum pliers today from somewhere and give it a go.

It's a 1981 Hotpoint :D
Leslie said:
I can't post pics, no cord :eh:

can't find the pliers either so I'm at a standstill. er
the motor is humming, no turn. I went and got a new belt for it...took the top off anyway cause that's screws...it didnt' seem to help matters much in figuring it all out. I'm gonna bum pliers today from somewhere and give it a go.

It's a 1981 Hotpoint :D
I got pliers...got the areas off I needed off...and it's not the belt. The pulley seems to be seized. The tumbler tumbles manually, when I pull the belt (which is taut) it slides around the pulley to turn the tumbler. So...I guess I gotta go get a pulley now.
Leslie said:
I got pliers...got the areas off I needed off...and it's not the belt. The pulley seems to be seized. The tumbler tumbles manually, when I pull the belt (which is taut) it slides around the pulley to turn the tumbler. So...I guess I gotta go get a pulley now.

Sounds logical. Be careful with the belt, though. You don't want to go through all that trouble replacing the pulley only to break the belt... :lloyd:
Make sure the motor actually still works. Even when the motors go bad they often hum when you put power to them.
that's what I'm worried about now.
All the sites say that this symptom is likely just the pulley, but that doesn't quite make sense to me, it's just a wheel after all?
I'll give the pulley a shot, it's only 8 bucks, and see about cleaning up the motor a bit. I rebuilt a tranny, so I don't think a dryer motor can be any harder? :D
but It isn't worth a hundred dollar motor...so... :eh:

*looking in the paper for $50 dryers.
The pulley is actually a tensionner. And when it's bearing/bushing is shot, it's like trying to roll a square wheel. To check the motor (feeling brave?) remove the belt from the tensionner and turn on the dryer for a sec. The motor will spin right up.
Professur said:
The pulley is actually a tensionner. And when it's bearing/bushing is shot, it's like trying to roll a square wheel. To check the motor (feeling brave?) remove the belt from the tensionner and turn on the dryer for a sec. The motor will spin right up.
COOL. I will do that. If it doesn't...I should get a new (to me) dryer then huh?

Motors seem to run around $100. :eek:
That depends, buying a used dryer you could end up in the same boat very quickly. I know, if you can find one for 50 that's 50 saved, but if it dies in a month you didn't really save. The motor is about the most expensive thing on it, aside from the drum itself, but if that's in good shape a new motor will keep that thing going for another 20 years.
Good point.

I like this dryer, never a whit of trouble...that's somethin to ponder on.
I think my Neon is going to need the tranny rebuilt as well, think you could swing down this way?
lol! you two are funny :p

if it's pooched anyway...just take it apart and give it a shot...the worst you will do is end up needin a rebuild, which you do anyway so ya may as well :D
I am not confident enough to do it with someone else's. I did ours out of poverty and desperation (as the dryer situation now)...cause it was worth the risk, we would've needed new anyway so what the hell why not.
I've rewired the trailer, and am presently pouring cement footings in an 18" crawlspace, full of racoon and cat poo. I'm not doing it for the ambiance.
I'd have to stand up and walk to do that :eek:

I am gonna wait till the kids are home and there are more menfolks in the neighbourhood so if I run into trouble I'm not alone :blank:
And to have someone else press the "on" button. I've done that. Wire up a new jack, and have someone else throw the breaker while you're standing "making sure the jack doesn't blow up", knowing full well that if I've fucked up, it's the breaker that's gonna shower sparks, not the jack.