help me find a case


New Member
looking for a new case for my new system so I can transplant it out of the current case. criterion as follows: mid tower. at LEAST one intake and one exhaust port (80mm a plus). dual intake, dual exhaust or blow hole would be nice. panel or door on side, none of that huge sliding case crap. at least 3x 5" and 3.5" bays, the more internal 3.5" the better (like those cases with 7 are sweet). can't be hideous, or even ugly. 300w+ PSU a plus, brand doesn't matter.. will be powering old celeron system. color doesn't matter. thank you.
well I left the most inportant thing out.. Don't want to spend much more than $40.. this is just going to be a pos stuck in the corner but it needs to stay cool for OCing.
I've looked at some aopen cases before, ans was actually going to purchase one, but there was no front intake apparently, and I don't have the tools right now to make one.

this case looks pretty nice, although I'm not too fond of doors on the front.

rd 151, the case you suggested is sold out :(
Hey, don't worry, there will be more in stock. There seems to be more even now. Besides, there is the 'new' design ($36).

Here is a silver one in the old design

Here is the new design in black

But it seems to still be in stock. I will be sad if not. I still want to build one more system using this case. It has everything, front intake, side blow hole, and even a removeable motherboard tray (thats my favorite, makes everything so much easier). Well, I'm gonna order one right now just to see if it works. I'll be sad if they are finally gone :( I wanted to buy a couple more just in case they would discontinue them. They do seem to be in stock today though. Maybe I'll even buy 2 more so I have one sitting around after I build my next system. Its a pitty I didn't get more last month when they were only $29!
You're gonna hate me if its out of stock again, but I just bought 2 of em!

I bought the old ones for $32 actually $31.50 since I bought 2. I know, its only $.50 but it something. At least I don't have to worry about them being discontinued this way either.