Help us celebrate Nixy-Week


Well-Known Member
This week is Nixy-week! I declare it to be a national of all responsibilities!

Please use this week to drink heartily, call in sick to work, skinny dip in your kiddie pool, play bowling down your street, tattoo a mouse on your bodies
and make it dance by gyrating wildly! Have fuN!

Happy Nixy Week!!
awwwwwwwwwww :blush:

wouldn't you be surprised if I really DID get the mouse tattooed on my body!!!!
but where could you get it done that it would gyrate wildly enough.....oh I know but it would take a good nights work to get it dancin :brow: :hump:
Post some pics of you in that wifebeater and panties, and I'll give you the whole month of August. :brow:
Nixy week was in celebration of me doing for me and also not seeing Vince all week

If it was that easy then I'd already have him, believe me. It is NOT happening :mope:
lock him in a room and tie him up. Some Sodium Sulphate (I think thats it) will loosen his lips as to his real feelings :elaugh4: