Hep a brotha out?

Circus Of Power - s/t $20

D'Molls - s/t

Fight - Mutations $18

I have those three. Mutations is a relatively new release...it shouldn't be a problem. Amazon

D'Molls at Amazon.... :rofl2: My wife & I are in stitches.

CoP WTF???

These bands are not worthy of those prices.
I'm running into a lot of that. Seems me CD collection was worth more than even I knew. Ain't no effing way I'm paying $175 for a glam CD that never took off.
I may have to dig thru my CDs. I could make a killing if folks are that hard up for obscure & irrelevent metal bands.
Dayum, I been looking for these all summer. Must be Christmas stock.

Whatever it is..Christmas stock or post-fire karma, they seem to be selling now. I've succeeded in 4/6 tries...in the two off cases, they only had the LP. :shrug:

If I had more time, i'd eBay the lot of 'em for ya :)