Here is your mission...


New Member
...if you will accept it.

I need a team name for a Fantasy Football league. There are two requirements:

1. The first name has to be the name of a town in Canada
2. The second name has to be sexual in nature

We are doing the Canadian names in honor of our new outsource company. We have traditionally named them something dirty for fun.

Any suggestions?? I'll be sharing them with my co-workers to pick from. :)
Montreal Menage a trois (spelling and accents to be corrected by Prof or Bish please)
My fantasy football names are usually Beatles songs. I've been the Bungalow Bills, Silver Hammers, Strawberry Field and the Cosmic Hippos (which is a Bela Fleck and the Flecktones song).

In one of the two leagues I'm in, I won the super bowl as the Silver Hammers this past year, so both of my teams shall be named that this year.

Ottawa Orals
Canmore Cunniluinguists
Didzbury Dry Humps
Leduc Lickers
Mount Pearl Necklace
*looks at map*

I can't find Ottowa or Vancover...I see Ottawa and Vancouver but SURELY you can't mean THOSE, I'm sure you know how to spell the cities you are refering to...
Nixy said:
*looks at map*

I can't find Ottowa or Vancover...I see Ottawa and Vancouver but SURELY you can't mean THOSE, I'm sure you know how to spell the cities you are refering to...'s so actually thought you were being funny and sacastic.....
Fuckin A, you guys rock! I knew I could count on you! :laugh:

Here's a side story to this...

Rusty and I were watching tv one night and we see a commercial for Taco Bell's new thing called the "Chipotle" something or other. Rusty says, "What did they call it? Chipoopie?" and we laughed. From then on, that became our buzz word for everything and it changed into Shepoopie, the feminine form of the word.

So I forward the fantasy football info to him and tell him to give me the info if he wants to join. Then I get this email from the guy who's running it:

I see Rusty joined up for the Fantasy Football League. We wish him all the luck. However, there is a discrepancy with his team name. As the title of the League indicates this is the Canadian Football League to commemorate of alliance with ICT. He will need to find a city name in Canada to place in front of his team name. Below are a few suggestions:

My Favorites:
Charlotteton Shapoopies
Saskatoon Shapoopies

St. John's Shapoopies
St. Catherine's Shapoopies
Nova Scotia Shapoopies

Thanks you for your anticipated cooperation.

So I was hysterical, cus I didn't know he had chosen that name. In the meantime, I call him and leave a message to call me back. Then the guy who's running it, my boss, and two other guys in the league come over asking me WTF is a "shapoopie". So I explain. And they tell me it's an actual word they found out google! Apparently, if you watch Will & Grace, you already know that a Shapoopie is when you take a normal situation and make it into a party. :laugh:

But this gets better.

One of the guys is always making fun of this other girl we work with because her boyfriend doesn't like sports and she's always telling stories of how sensitive he is. They joke around that he's gay and ask her if he is a snappy dresser and knows how to dance.

Now that MY boyfriend is picking terms from "Will & Grace", I'm sure I'm going to start hearing that now. :laugh:
Apparently, if you watch Will & Grace, you already know that a Shapoopie is when you take a normal situation and make it into a party.
Actually, it's a dance from the musical "The Music Man." Does he really like showtunes?????? What about Judy Garland???????
