Went back into teh hospital this morning for another dose of anti-biotics. The swelling had progressed to the point where we were no longer able to see his eyelashes anymore. They began a second type of anti-biotics along with the first type. They wanted to check and make sure that the infection wasn't going going too far. JAG was prepped for a CT-scan. They used suppository relaxants (which had no effect on him and which eventually caused him diarhea) then two doses of liquid relaxants which eventually knocked him out. When they transfered him to the CT-scanner...he shrugged off the effects and woke up in a temper. It took 2 doctors, the CT tech, the nurse, meself and Mireille to hold him down while an injected relaxant was added to his IV mix...eventually redering him zombie-like long enough that they could use the machine on him...all this while Mireille was with him...he still wouldn't go it alone. The possible abscess (which would've required surgery to drain) proved negative, but the infection is now behind the eyeball (Orbital cellulitis), so they're keeping him for a few days with some outpatient afterwards until the eye is back to normal. Tonight, Mireille is staying with him...tomorrow's my night...they only allow one parent per child past midnight.
Tomorrow, they check the inflamation and plan on another CT-scan. The main worry...abscesses which can push the eyeball forward and can, in extreme cases, cause blindness. the secondary worry is the optic nerve which leads straight to the brain. If the bacterial infection travels...it could cause an infection on the brain's arachno matar..the outer layer, or the dura matar.
I may not be able to update tomorrow night, but I'll try to do so ASAP. Thanks for the support.