He's baaaaaack, and the MSM is once again covering his ass.

That idea is so un-American!
What was this country founded on?
and the FREEDOM from having some Monarch tell you to go to a certain church or believe in a certain Deity or get down on your freaking knees when the bells ring at whatever o' clock...
I thank God I'm an Atheist (a little humor there) and live in a country that can tolerate that-
I work with Christians, Jews and Muslims- there may be a budding Buddhist in the mix-who gives a damn what church they go to? That's their GODdamn bidness!

there's a lot of folks that will try to convince you that the US was formed on the basis of christian values. they're wrong, as those underlying values are right out of the playbook of the enlightenment, but that don't matter to them.
No we don't!
I grew up in a Southern Baptist environment and called "BULLSHIT" on them at an early age.
Religion is for dupes, who in their right mind could believe all those fairy stories, huh?
Try to have a sense of humor about it- yer guilty of BLASPHEMY
Try to make light of the obvious fact that the preacher is fucking all the widows (I know because I seen it!- aged 11)
Oh, wait- he was just "ministering" to them, right?
Back in the elementary school we called it what it elementary was- FUCKING!
Iffen the preacher does it, it's "ministering"
If you do it, it's a SIN- yeah?- right!
HawHawHaw- here's a salute to yer "religion" !!:aheadbng:
Decidedly not my religion. In fact, I'm an atheist (since 1969) and you, my friend, are completely oblivious. You wonder why our candidates must loudly proclaim their christianity and then contend that we do not live in a theocracy. Perhaps you just don't understand what a theocracy is. You're right about one thing. I don't have a sense of humor about religion. I find it a major hindrance to enlightened society.
I live buy tried values, and they just happen to coincide with the Christian
belief system. Which whether you like it or not, this country Was founded in,
at least in part.

I life by the ten commandments and my learning of the teachings of Christ. When the Church says something that contradicts them ... they can climb my thumb. But never forget that the Church is political. Christianity is not.
I life by the ten commandments and my learning of the teachings of Christ. When the Church says something that contradicts them ... they can climb my thumb. But never forget that the Church is political. Christianity is not.

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Professur again" .. geez .. so bossy LOL

Can I please use this in my signature line? I *heart* this:

...the Church is political. Christianity is not.
I'll leave it with old Ambrose, then cease , desist and shut my pie-hole:
Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914?)


Decalogue, n. A series of commandments, ten in number--just enough to permit an intelligent selection for observance, but not enough to embarrass the choice. Following is the revised edition of the Decalogue, calculated for this meridian.

Thou shalt no God but me adore:
Twere too expensive to have more.

No images nor idols make
For Roger Ingersoll to break.

Take not God's name in vain: select
A time when it will have effect.

Work not on Sabbath days at all,
But go to see the teams play ball.

Honor thy parents. That creates
For life insurance lower rates.

Kill not, abet not those who kill;
Thou shalt not pay thy butcher's bill.

Kiss not thy neighbor's wife, unless
Thine own thy neighbor doth caress.

Don't steal; thou'lt never thus compete
Successfully in business. Cheat.

Bear not false witness--that is low--
But "hear 'tis rumored so and so."

Covet thou naught that thou hast got
By hook or crook, or somehow, got
I life by the ten commandments and my learning of the teachings of Christ. When the Church says something that contradicts them ... they can climb my thumb. But never forget that the Church is political. Christianity is not.

Maybe not for you personally, but in general it very much is. :shrug:

Of course you don't live in the US. It may be different in Canada.
Maybe not for you personally, but in general it very much is. :shrug:

Of course you don't live in the US. It may be different in Canada.

I hesitate to tell anyone what to think, Chic, but IMHO anyone who sees politics in Christianity is seeing the Church and not Christianity.
I hesitate to tell anyone what to think, Chic, but IMHO anyone who sees politics in Christianity is seeing the Church and not Christianity.

sure, but when you look at the effect that southern evangelists had on the two bush elections here, it does get a little bit difficult to maintain the analytical distinction between some platonic essence - the shadows on the cave walls - and boots on the ground.
I hesitate to tell anyone what to think, Chic, but IMHO anyone who sees politics in Christianity is seeing the Church and not Christianity.

:D "Non-denominational" national day of prayer anyone? Interesting that non-christian "denominations" were largely ignored in that, wasn't it? Looks to me like at least the US government considers christianity as a whole (as opposed to one individual "church" or another) a political tool. Maybe we're using differing definitions for "church."

In my opinion the entire New Testament is a political statement against the Roman Empire. Your mileage may vary.
well there's Really only 4 in most All law, but like locally, and many places in the US,
working 6 days and resting is common, and the others are and ethics tradition,
that Did guide this country. Now in the last decade PC has changed some of that visibly.
In my opinion the entire New Testament is a political statement against the Roman Empire. Your mileage may vary

"Objects seen in this mirror may be closer than they appear"
well there's Really only 4 in most All law, but like locally, and many places in the US,
working 6 days and resting is common, and the others are and ethics tradition,
that Did guide this country. Now in the last decade PC has changed some of that visibly.

the point was that just because something like murder is illegal, doesn't mean that is because of the influence of the ten commandments specifically.

the uniqueness of the america and how it was formed (say, like that constitution thing) owes virtually everything to the thinking and ideas of the enlightenment in europe.

that there are historically arbitrary vestiges of traditional moral and legal ideas, well, that shit is to be expected. but it is in no way definitive.

this is not to deny that there is a strong(!) folk tradition of religion in the US, or that certain religiously motivated folks have had important influences (um, john winthrop, perhaps?) on american culture.
the point was that just because something like murder is illegal, doesn't mean that is because of the influence of the ten commandments specifically.

That can't be proved or disproved.
It depends on what you believe.

You just made my original point though.
Whether you 'believe or not' the bible is a good set of instructions to be happy in life.
THAT is what some don't get. The whole point of the book is not to make a person enslaved, it's so you Can be happy in life.
I'm not saying I don't believe parts of the bible, but I do take some things
into account when interpreting some of it. Like what was happening in society
at the time of that writing. ;)

oh, and extreme Anything is bad.
That can't be proved or disproved.
It depends on what you believe.

You just made my original point though.
Whether you 'believe or not' the bible is a good set of instructions to be happy in life.
THAT is what some don't get. The whole point of the book is not to make a person enslaved, it's so you Can be happy in life.

okay, sure.

still don't thomas jefferson was big on it though.