Hey 1

I'll let you in on a little secret about Burning Board and the old days at Otc. If you signed up with a email address, you could get it activated (not even sure it was required to activate). You could then blank out the email address from the control panel with it activated. You could then sign up for another nickname with the same email address as before. My old id's have blank email addresses. I'm pretty sure 1 was one of those. Another was WildOneThing.

Another thing is that it may have an invalid email address, something that sounds pretty bad if I even bothered to put one in.

I don't do that anymore and hope people understand that I don't. :)
Are you sure it wasn't one of the admins? Check the email address as I described above. I really don't care if it was me or not.
It is possible that it wasn't me, but I seem to think it was. I could be wrong. I don't know what my id's were over there to tell ya the truth. Now that I think about it, it probably wasn't me which is cool!!!!!!!
Back in the old days, I tried to sign up as 1. I'm glad he already had the username. At least someone is getting some good out of it. I would of just used it like any old nickname.:headbang: