Hey, chcr!

Yeah, it was fun watching the rookies put a major touch on Clemens. I'm just crossing my fingers - now we go to Houston.

Tonight should be fun to watch.
I'm watching the White Sox leading the Red Sox 4-2 right now. It would be fun to see the White Sox in the series just to have another week of Ozzie Guillen's quotes. :D
4-3 now. Sweat time in Boston.

Daman could have turned it around, but noooo. Seriously. You get loaded no outs and get no runs, you ain't gonna win aften.
They deserved it more. We simply pissed away too many opportunities, starting with a 5 run lead.

Go Cards.
I was watching post game interviews and Phil Garner mentioned that he played in what had been the longest playoff game (Astros/Mets 1986). Interesting bit of synchronicity, huh? Remember who the Mets played that year?
I was 4 in 1986. :p I didn't see the Braves/Astros until the 18th, I was watching bad football all day until I got out somewhere with cable. If the Yankees win tomorrow, I'm gonna be sick, a White Sox vs Yankees matchup makes all us Cub fans turn blue with vomitous rage.

i'm just glad it's almost over! damn baseball competes with my precious football for TV coverage.
Stop Laughing said:
I was 4 in 1986. :p I didn't see the Braves/Astros until the 18th, I was watching bad football all day until I got out somewhere with cable. If the Yankees win tomorrow, I'm gonna be sick, a White Sox vs Yankees matchup makes all us Cub fans turn blue with vomitous rage.

Okay, but keep the vomit to yourself, please. :lol2: