AlphaTroll said:PT, I've said my bit about it in my blog so I'm going to refrain from commenting here.
(Added the link to it in case you get really bored and want to see what I said before going out to buy that gun)
PuterTutor said:That's just fun to read trying to figure out what it sounds like when you say it. You don't use as much "accent" here as you do there.
AlphaTroll said:But then please answer my question - which rights would you take away from prisoners?
freako104 said:yes that is somewhat true but again there is reason. what is the reason? you are threat to society you are in(terrorism)?, selling secrets which other govts can use on you. there are always reasons.
freako104 said:while Ill admit i dont like imprisoning the innocent by any means(read earlier posts I have made), there are instinces where this was necessary. not imprisoning the innocent but getting the "terrorists" away from people and break communication.
If Bush started selling cow shit and called it burgers would you eat it?
Gotnolegs said:Just how do you know the prisoners are terrorists?
If Bush started selling cow shit and called it burgers would you eat it?
Gotnolegs said:Just how do you know the prisoners are terrorists?
If Bush started selling cow shit and called it burgers would you eat it?
Gato_Solo said:How do you know they aren't? I know how you'll answer, anyway (Innocent until proven guilty), but, in a way (small), you are right. Most of those folks were captured on battlefields fighting against US soldiers, so the point is moot, really. The war is not yet over, and turning them loose only ends them right back to the enemy camps. Some, however, are being held because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, or hanging out with the wrong people at the wrong time.
Anybody notice that most, if not all, of the Iraqi soldiers were turned loose? Know why? They were part of a uniformed military, and were accorded the rights of such under the Geneva convention. Un-uniformed enemy combatants are not seen as soldiers, so are not accorded rights under the Geneva Convention per se. They are only entitled to humane treatment (3 hots and a cot). Don't believe me? Read it...
I know you usually seem to make up your own mind based on the facts, which makes it all the more strange when you do accept the bullshit without questioning it.freako104 said:no. I tend not to believe Bush. you damn well should know that by now. I just happen to fell this way about this situation.
freako104 said:you should know how I am GNL. I just take this stand on this situation. It is just how I feel. sorry but it is who I am
Gotnolegs said:The thing that makes me doubt this is that your government is unwilling to follow international law.
Quite simply they won't put their money where their mouth is.
I am sure that they believe these people to be a threat but if they have actually done nothing wrong then they should never have been imprisoned, if they have then they should be charged, tried and punished accordingly.
You tell me you knnow of people that have been involved in the capture of enemy combatants, I'm happy to accept that this is true but I can't understand why they were never declared as POWs (I am not aware of the status of every prisoner, just the UK citizens).
It seems to me that your government is fully aware that it is acting illegally and doesn't give a shit because it is the biggest kid in the playground.
Gotnolegs said:So you believe these people must be international terrorists and deserve to be locked up indefinitely without any form of trial?
How have you come to this decision?
Gato_Solo said:The Geneva convention is rather (un)clear on the imprisonment of unlawful enemy combatants...Basically, we could just shoot them out-of-hand. See someone with a weapon, no matter what age or gender, and put a bullet in them.Would that be a better alternative for them, instead of imprisonment? I personally don't think so, so, until you can come up with a better, more logical solution...
Gato_Solo said:The Geneva convention is rather (un)clear on the imprisonment of unlawful enemy combatants...Basically, we could just shoot them out-of-hand. See someone with a weapon, no matter what age or gender, and put a bullet in them.Would that be a better alternative for them, instead of imprisonment? I personally don't think so, so, until you can come up with a better, more logical solution...
freako104 said:ive been there. they violate international laws. and I did say with a fucking trial. thank you