Hey, Koffee


molṑn labé
Staff member
the truth shall set you free

UN chief Kofi Annan was booed by a crowd chanting pro-Hezbollah slogans today as he toured Beirut's southern suburbs devastated by Israel's war against the Shiite militant group.

Dozens of men, women and children angrily waved pictures of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and shouted "Allah, Nasrallah and all of the suburbs" as the UN secretary general emerged from his car to survey the destruction in the heart of the Haret Hreik area, a Hezbollah stronghold.

Others booed and shouted "death to Israel" and "long live Syria" as they surrounded Mr Annan's convoy of vehicles which was accompanied by a heavy security detail.

Mr Annan was accompanied by Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora, Foreign Minister Fawzi Sallukh as well as Hezbollah MPs.

His visit lasted barely 10 minutes as nervous security officers whisked him quickly out of the area.

"If you convert while we hold this 9mm aganst your temple, we'll peaceably allow you to be released. If you don't you may rest in peace."
Since Israelis do most of the killing I guess ithe Jewish religion is not a peace loving religion?

There's a lot of violence by christians too. Must be a violent religion.

We could do a lot of stereotyping and bashing if we want to roll on this.
i wasn't aware that "israeli" was a religion. hey maybe it's practitioners are members of the "jewish race." ha ha.
Since Israelis do most of the killing I guess ithe Jewish religion is not a peace loving religion?

There's a lot of violence by christians too. Must be a violent religion.

We could do a lot of stereotyping and bashing if we want to roll on this.

Exactly how far up....err, in the sand is your head? I could explain these things to you but you'd volunteer to fail to see the light so I won't. It's getting boring.

I hope your peaceful exitence never gets threatened by real life but I'm afraid we're on the edge of a precipice that overlooks some nasty shit. You & those like you (Neville Chamberlain wannabes) are going to be in for a rude awakening. It'd be awfully handy for you to get with the program now, before its too late.
Exactly how far up....err, in the sand is your head? I could explain these things to you but you'd volunteer to fail to see the light so I won't. It's getting boring.

I hope your peaceful exitence never gets threatened by real life but I'm afraid we're on the edge of a precipice that overlooks some nasty shit. You & those like you (Neville Chamberlain wannabes) are going to be in for a rude awakening. It'd be awfully handy for you to get with the program now, before its too late.

You don't really need the insults here.

Does "fail to see the light" mean I won't understand how it's cool to stereotype and bash all muslims and pretend that people of other religions are all peaceful?

All religions are chock full of hypocrites.
Since Israelis do most of the killing I guess ithe Jewish religion is not a peace loving religion?

There's a lot of violence by christians too. Must be a violent religion.

We could do a lot of stereotyping and bashing if we want to roll on this.

It's not, ours is a god of vengence.

Gonz said:
If you convert while we hold this 9mm aganst your temple, we'll peaceably allow you to be released. If you don't you may rest in peace."

things muslims learnt from Catholics in spain.
simply because you posted that when someone mentioned a peace loving religion, and I think it is meant to be, and has the capacity to be, if it follows more "liberal" lines.

The terrorists, the people converting others at gunpoint are the extremists, and if you want to paint ALL muslims with that brush, why not paint all christians with the brush of the inquasitions.
Because whenever a dipshit says DIE!!! In the Name of the Pope (or some such equal horseshit) the entire Christian/Catholic community comes unglued & marches in the streets with HE'S NOT WITH US signs. They go on TV & tell stories about saving starving Ethipoian children while denouncing extremists like Billy Graham. They make it clear that Catholicism is Centires past that & that they are embarassed & saddened by the brutality.

The Muslims say, DAMN! Sucked to be Him & go about their business.

It's interesting...I type a generalization, which everybody knows is a generalization, to make a point. Everybody thinks I'm talking about them or their neighbor or their 3rd cousin twice removed or whatever. Why all the guilt?
back in the old times they went along with the extremists cause they where scared not too. Now they are not scared.

Soon, hopefully, the mainstream muslim community will also be able to safetly stand up and say "they are not with us".

It is starting, Lebanon is TRYING to disassociate from hezbollah.

I type a generalization

a generalization, or stereotype?

Neither are helpful, if that is how a muslim beleives he is going to be preceived in the western world, why would he try to join the western world? He would think "they hate me, might as well stick with the old guard"

I am just tired of the old Mulsim = Terrorist equation. It is counter productive, and hurtful to the efforts of stopping terrorism.