Hi-this is Dev Tej Kohli


molṑn labé
Staff member

The Lobby is a more suited space for welcomes, so I moved your message. The RW is much too political.


Well-Known Member
Hey Dev. Beer's in the cooler, left over pizza's in the fridge. Don't mind all the used condoms lying about. Our cleaning girl's at her day job and didn't get around to cleaning up after last night's orgy before she left. She'll get to it when she gets back.


New Member
so whats the benefit to registering?Do Bots post on a regular basis.From a google search of his username ,he's registered everywhere ,but has only one post at each messageboard. :shrug:


Staff member
A.B.Normal said:
so whats the benefit to registering?Do Bots post on a regular basis.From a google search of his username ,he's registered everywhere ,but has only one post at each messageboard. :shrug:
I think it's simply that the people paying them/for them have assumed that boards and members may not assume someone to be a bot/spammer if they're a member for a week or two before they post.


They join, then two weeks later they post their spam.


New Member
Leslie said:
I think it's simply that the people paying them/for them have assumed that boards and members may not assume someone to be a bot/spammer if they're a member for a week or two before they post.


They join, then two weeks later they post their spam.

A search has 19 pages of his profile all of which have same wording as above and only one post,joined between late June and now.A pre-emptive banning is in order .:grinyes:


Well-Known Member
Wait, wait. Let's not be to hasty. It's a bot. Can it, maybe, be reprogrammed to clean up in here? Nixy's really letting her responsabilities slide since she got that car.


Staff member
Many of the new members are just exactly like that.

If I was them I'd have a way more distinctive name made up. Steven4 was a good one, there were tons of normal posts by steven4s so I couldn't tell till it was too late.


New Member
Why even delay,once the spam happens they get banned,it makes no difference if the wait is 10 seconds or 2weeks.


New Member
Just found this at another board which may explain the goings on with bot postings

PPC - navtej kohli
December 3rd, 2005
What is a Pay Per Click Search Engine?

A Pay Per Click (PPC) search engine is a search engine that allows a person to bid an amount of money on related keywords so their site is ranked according to the amount bid.

Basically, if you bid $0.25 on the keyword “book” and that is the highest bid on that particular keyword, your site would be #1 in those results. If your competition bids $0.26, they will become #1 and your site will be #2.

The Pay Per Click industry is relatively new and there are new Pay Per Click search engines popping up to get a piece of the action. Some are good, some aren’t. We’ll show you the ones that will pay off immediately.
