
Doesn't work Al. She's actually from TO, so you can't offend her by saying it. Mich and NY are probably upgrades. Only way you could really insult someone from TO is to suggest that it might be near NJ.
You're messed up if you havn't been here since jjr and remember Nix from Calgary, eh.

JJR? Nope. I am messed up then. Thor? Thors? Torsgaarden? I dunno. screw it. I'm ThorsFoundry, now. Different person anyways - I got re-programmed. I'll see you all in diff posts.

Is Bella still here?
Didn't Nixy used to be from Toronto or some place near like Michigan or NY?

Nixy didn't USED to be from Toronto. Nixy IS from the Greater Toronto Area. She has just lived in Calgary for the last 2 years.
I remember PM-ing Nixy, and thinking she was a pretty good shit. I remember thinking same about Professur, Inkara1, TGRR, Bella, Felix, ResearchMonkey, and Southern'n'Proud.

Anybody remember the shit I was going thru with my wife? Anybody remember when she tried to off herself? Anybody remember all the actual HELP I got from any of the above-mentioned people? Have I ever said "Thanks" to any of you?

The original post mentioned a site which I wasn't allowed to post, but it dealt with "Free, Streaming movies" - Yeah, free, if you submit ALL of your personal info, AND JOIN the stinking website for 40 bucks a year (until they raise your fees, and charge your CC a reoccurring fee that is dang near impossible to cancel...)

All I was saying was buyer beware. Since this IS OTCentral, I figured being Off Topic in my own damn thread was ok. Still think it is. I don't care.
Of course it's OK. Hell, it's expected, welcome, and a nice change from the monotonous bi-partizan whining thats prevailed for the last year.
I don't even know what the fuck Bi-Partisan means. I don't care. None of that shit puts bread on the table.... Seems the political section*real world* of these forums is a haven, and the true Off-Topic (fun) stuff is like the back-road.. Not the way I remember it.. I stayed the fuck away from it then, and will stay away from it now.

I'm here for the hell of it.