Hillary caught lying ... again


molṑn labé
Staff member
When Mrs Bill has her close ally Katie the failure come after her, something is amiss.


Well-Known Member
It looks like she can't even lie about lying very well.


By GEOFF EARLE and CHARLES HURT, Post Correspondents

March 26, 2008 --

WASHINGTON - Hillary Rodham Clinton's lies about risking her life under sniper fire during a visit to Bosnia as first lady have infuriated the US military brass and troops.

"She has no sense of what a statement like that does to soldiers," fumed retired Maj. Gen. Walter Stewart, the former head of the Pennsylvania National Guard.

"She is insulting the command in its entirety," he said yesterday.

Clinton came under fire after saying she "misspoke" about what happened during the trip and claimed it was the first time she erred in describing her visit - an assertion Barack Obama's campaign quickly disproved by finding at least three prior occasions over the last few months where she's claimed there was sniper fire.

Stewart, who was assigned to the Army's European headquarters at the time of Clinton's visit in 1996, called her statements "really astonishing."

"Believe me, heads would have rolled all over" if the military put the then-first lady at "unacceptable risk," added Stewart, who is supporting Barack Obama.




the minute she said "landed under sniper fire" it was obvious she was lying. the secret service would NEVER let her land in an area that wasn't tightly controlled.

it's amazing that she even said it. how dumb does she think 'mericans is, that we'd believe some ridiculous story about about exaggerated threats...? oh, wait, hmmmm, yeah there's certainly a rich and recent tradition of that...


New Member


New Member
how dumb does she think 'mericans is, that we'd believe some ridiculous story about about exaggerated threats...? oh, wait, hmmmm, yeah there's certainly a rich and recent tradition of that...

Yes, this will probably really help endear her with the republicans.


molṑn labé
Staff member
The (R)'s are hoping she wins the nomination. The established fodder is endless


Too cute for words
OH MY GAWD, a politician caught in a lie. Whatever shall we do. :rolleyes:

How many people has she gotten killed with hers so far?


Well-Known Member
OH MY GAWD, a politician caught in a lie. Whatever shall we do. :rolleyes:

How many people has she gotten killed with hers so far?

Vince ... um ... Vince ... don't tell me. Its right on the tip of my tongue Viiiiinccccce ... DAMN!


jim, governor moonbeam just called, he says he regrets those negative comments he made back in '78.


Well-Known Member
Spike is right. MRC makes me laugh too.


Timeline: How Nets Catch Up, Stumble
Into Clinton's Bosnia Bumble

It took nearly a week for ABC, CBS and NBC to mention anything about the bogus claim by Senator Hillary Clinton at a March 17 speech that she came "under sniper fire" during her visit to Bosnia in 1996. But it was only one day later, March 18, that the MRC's NewsBusters blog posted contemporaneous CBS News video from our archive casting doubt on Clinton's claim, a report picked up on March 19 by the Fox News Channel's Special Report with Brit Hume.

On ABC and NBC, the first references to Clinton's erroneous "sniper fire" claim came during panel discussions on their Sunday morning talk shows on March 23, six days after Clinton's speech. For CBS, the first on-air mention came on Monday's CBS Evening News, March 24 -- even though it was the appearance of 12-year-old CBS News footage on NewsBusters, followed by YouTube and various blog sites, that prompted the Clinton campaign to retract the Senator's claims Monday afternoon.


Well-Known Member
Oh, yeah, I'm still laughing ...


After Week of Silence, Networks Pounce
on Hillary's Bosnia Fib

One week after Hillary Clinton claimed that she faced sniper fire on a trip to Bosnia -- and six days after the MRC's NewsBusters blog posted contemporaneous news footage from CBS showing that she did not -- the broadcast network morning and evening shows finally jumped on the story of Hillary's big fib. Monday night, CBS and NBC ran full stories, Tuesday morning all three broadcast networks carried stories and ABC's World News caught up Tuesday night with story as CBS and NBC, prompted by comments from Clinton acknowledging her incorrect claims, also focused on the subject. (See item #2 below for more on Attkisson's Monday night story.)

On Monday, the CBS Evening News featured a Clinton-busting report by Sharyl Attkisson, one of the journalists who accompanied Clinton on her trip 12 years ago and who narrated the video posted on NewsBusters last week. NBC's Andrea Mitchell, who was also on the 1996 trip, filed her own report for Monday's Nightly News on the obvious discrepancies between Clinton's assertions and the videotape, and on Tuesday, all three broadcast morning shows led with how the Clinton campaign now admits that her claim -- "I remember landing under sniper fire...There was no greeting ceremony and we basically were told to run to her cars. Now, that is what happened" -- should now be regarded as an accidental misstatement.


Well-Known Member
frmr. Clintoon advisor Paul Begala said:
Hillary's gonna quit when monkeys fly out of my butt.

WASHINGTON - A group of prominent Hillary Clinton donors sent a letter to House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday asking her to retract her comments on superdelegates and stay out of the Democratic fight over their role in the presidential race.

Pelosi has not publicly endorsed either Clinton or Barack Obama in their hotly contested White House battle, but she recently said superdelegates should support whoever emerges from the nomination contests with the most pledged delegates — which appears almost certain to be Obama.

Superdelegates have emerged as likely kingmakers in the fight between Clinton and Obama. The letter was another sign of growing Democratic tension over their nominating battle.

Neither candidate is expected to have enough pledged delegates won in state-by-state contests to clinch the nomination when voting ends in June, leaving the choice in the hands of the superdelegates.

Both candidates have wooed them heavily, with Obama contending they should follow the will of Democratic voters and Clinton arguing they should vote for the candidate with the best chance of winning the presidential election in November — which she says is her.

"This letter is inappropriate and we hope the Clinton campaign will reject the insinuation contained in it," Obama spokesman Bill Burton said.

"Few have done more to build the Democratic Party than Bill and Hillary Clinton. The last thing they need is a lecture from the Obama campaign," Clinton spokesman Phil Singer said. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23823483/

All the way to Denvah without a nominee!