Hillary caught lying ... again

Could he be the democrat's salvation?

Salvation? Who needs salvation when you have 2 democrats vs. a psuedo democrat.

Conservatives are just gonna have to sit this one out. :laugh:
Hillary being urged to quit race ... by Democrats


Clinton Fights Pressure to Withdraw, Tees Up for Fight With Party Elders
by FOXNews.com
Friday, March 28, 2008

Hillary Clinton, under mounting pressure to bow out of the presidential race and avoid a floor fight at the Democratic National Convention in August, is standing firm in her determination to fight Barack Obama to the finish.

Sen. Chris Dodd of Connecticut, a former candidate himself, said Clinton has virtually no chance of winning, and Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont said Friday the New York senator should just end her campaign.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants the party’s uncommitted superdelegates to support the candidate who has the most votes, which to this point is Obama. And Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean on Friday urged all those superdelegates to announce whom they will support by July 1.
While Leahy and Dean try to convince the Hilldabeast to bow out, Karl Rove only wants to help her:

Karl Rove said:
After the last Democratic Primary is held in early June, neither Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama will have enough votes from delegates elected in caucuses or primaries to be declared the nominee. Obama would have to win 76 percent and Clinton 98 percent of the 535 delegates that are at stake in the final eight contests. Neither will happen.

Of course, after June, one candidate could blink and step aside. But if only a few delegates separate the two candidates and there are enough uncommitted superdelegates and Michigan and Florida are not resolved, well, to the dismay of Democrats, Denver could be the scene of real drama, horse trading and arm-twisting. For political junkies, conventions are always worth watching. It could be doubly so this year.
