Hm, in the spirit of fun...

LastLegionary said:
^^^ has a very wild hobby involving goats

Leslie.......... please don't do that, I might have to get, um, err, ... sexy...
baked beans 2 hours before bedtime ain't it :eek:
^^^ speaks three languages: dutch, english, and goatese

OK ok lol, I will stop kidding around. :D Did you know a kid is a baby goat?
^^ has been posting a lot about human-goat relationships clearly trying to make something clear to us :D

OK, now I'll stop too :D
^^ hasn't read my other post about that little goat yet....:D Is a nice guy too, but isn't going to find me that nice anymore if I won't stop goating around :headbang:
^^ everybody is interupting everybody, so I won't say anything about you being slow....

'cause we all already know you are :D[/siz]