Hm, in the spirit of fun...

Vortex said:
^^ Was lying (that's my story and I'm stiking to it ;) )

:hug: s freako104 :)

:hug:s vortex. i still sya your a hottie

^^has an avatar that for some reason makes me think of the rpg changeling^^
^^ Has weird views on changelings

(just for the record, changlings are scary little things!) :eek: *eye twitch*

freako104 said:
Vortex said:
^^ Was lying (that's my story and I'm stiking to it ;) )

:hug: s freako104 :)

:hug:s vortex. i still sya your a hottie
*falls over from shock* :blush: okay, since I see where this isn't going... "Aww, you guys, shucks! :blush:" :p

^^has an avatar that for some reason makes me think of the rpg changeling^^ [/quote]
^^is being suspiciously nice to Altron
*checks food for poison*

lol :D j/k

My friend Dwayne made it. The stupid GIFs were getting boring. Want to see what I made?

EDIT: won't upload, but it's at the top fo my homepage.