Hmmm, question to the Americans


New Member
Just wanted to ask something real quick (mainly due to what's going on at another board and I wanted to know what more enlightened people would say since the guy who was going on about it there is a self righteous prat).

Is it insulting to call an American a yank / yankee? I've never really thought of it as such, but this guy maintains that it's a terrible affront, so could someone please help me out here and give some clarity as to whether or not it's perceived as an insult by the majority of the population or only by a small minority?

Thanks hey.
I think yankee is not offensive but "yank" can be.

Now, another subject.
I'd be insulted if you called me a yankee. But that's because I'm not. At least, I don't consider myself one - never even been up to the Northeastern states, let alone be from them (which is what I consider a yankee).

But while we here ... I was always under the impression that "limey" was a simliar bad term for someone British. Is this true?
You know how using the N word for a Black person is horribly offensive yet it is perfectly ok in the confines of their sociolization including other Black people.

About the same I think. The tone it was said that in also depends greatly on whether the word should be taken in offense or jest or in pride.
Rose said:
But while we here ... I was always under the impression that "limey" was a simliar bad term for someone British. Is this true?

Yes....Motherfucker is a bad word reserved for anyone, regardless of their heritage.
I think it depends on what part of the US you're from. I'm originally a northeasterner, and yank or yankee don't offend me in the least. Folks around where I live now (Tennessee, the heart of the south) would be highly offended. :shrug:
Theres a difference between yankee and yank. To me, the term yank is a simple piece of shorthand used to describe americans by any of a number of Brit commonwealth countries. Its quite common for the Brits and Aussies and New Zealanders and South Africans... less so for India and the Caribbiean nations ... fairly rare for Canadians... but I've heard it. It, to me, is not a slur ... just a descriptor.
i don't really like it...i am southern...or as close to it as one of my lineage gets...yankees are those from above the mason dixon line...but it really doesn't long as it's in good humor i could care less.
unclehobart said:
Theres a difference between yankee and yank. To me, the term yank is a simple piece of shorthand used to describe americans by any of a number of Brit commonwealth countries. Its quite common for the Brits and Aussies and New Zealanders and South Africans... less so for India and the Caribbiean nations ... fairly rare for Canadians... but I've heard it. It, to me, is not a slur ... just a descriptor.

See, that is basically what I use the term for, not as a reference to the lineage of a person or their poltical orientation or whatever. And for the most part I'll only call someone a yank if I am friends with them (be it IRL or online). Kinda like my non-Afrikaans friends refer to me as a boer - it can be seen in a very negative light, but to me it's just become another word to describe Afrikaners, not necessarily a way to say that I'm racist or anything. But obviously the meaning would change depending on the the context of the situation & whom it was used by.

But if it offends anyone I'll not call you yanks again.
I've been calling americans here Yanks for years.With no insult intended (except for the rest of the post, of course). If anyone's been offended, they've been smart enough to keep quiet about it.
Professur said:
I've been calling americans here Yanks for years.With no insult intended (except for the rest of the post, of course). If anyone's been offended, they've been smart enough to keep quiet about it.
Being called a yank by a Scottish lad is fairly high praise indeed since they have such a colourful array of stably wit names for which to insult the world if they so desire.
unclehobart said:
Being called a yank by a Scottish lad is fairly high praise indeed since they have such a colourful array of stably wit names for which to insult the world if they so desire.


I've never called an american a Yank...........this thread surprised me 'cos I thought the nickname died out after the second world war :confused:

I usually stick to calling them colonials........that usually get their blood pressure up a notch or two ;)
Oz said:

I've never called an american a Yank...........this thread surprised me 'cos I thought the nickname died out after the second world war :confused:

I usually stick to calling them colonials........that usually get their blood pressure up a notch or two ;)
you've called me a yank before...i believe it was right after i referred to you as a limey :)
Oz said:

I've never called an american a Yank...........this thread surprised me 'cos I thought the nickname died out after the second world war :confused:

I usually stick to calling them colonials........that usually get their blood pressure up a notch or two ;)

Ahe, 'scse me King Dingaling - need someone to polish that crown? ;)
tonks said:
you've called me a yank before...i believe it was right after i referred to you as a limey :)

Did I? :confused:

That'll have been during one of the old "knucklehead" routines then :D

Ahe, 'scse me King Dingaling - need someone to polish that crown?

Yer can if yer like hun..........but yer forgettin' I'm Scots/Irish :winkkiss:
Oz said:
Did I? :confused:

That'll have been during one of the old "knucklehead" routines then :D
yeah, i had run out of ammo and i asked you if you would be offended if i called you a limey and you said not if i don't get offended if you called me a yank....or at least that's how i am remembering it....:confused:
you know how suspect my memory can be :)
tonks said:
yeah, i had run out of ammo and i asked you if you would be offended if i called you a limey and you said not if i don't get offended if you called me a yank....or at least that's how i am remembering it....:confused:
you know how suspect my memory can be :)

Yup.......I remember now :swing: were we offended? :confused: