

Well-Known Member
There's some interesting discussions going on right now about comparitive morality and such. And it made me think. I'll ask atheists to either suspend their disbelief, or not confuse the issue too much.

If we assume there's an afterlife .... how do you think a conversation between George Washington and Martin Luther King would go? Between Jesus and pretty much ever christian leader? Between a remarried widower and his first, second and third wives? Between a 1800 12 year old bride and a 2005 pedophile? A murder and his victim?
A murderer is not likely to be present in the same afterlife as his/her victim unless he/she has truly repented. In which case the victim, having reach a higher level of consciousness, would no longer harbor anger.
Professur said:
There's some interesting discussions going on right now about comparitive morality and such. And it made me think. I'll ask atheists to either suspend their disbelief, or not confuse the issue too much.

If we assume there's an afterlife .... how do you think a conversation between George Washington and Martin Luther King would go? Between Jesus and pretty much ever christian leader? Between a remarried widower and his first, second and third wives? Between a 1800 12 year old bride and a 2005 pedophile? A murder and his victim?
MLK: George Washington! This is so exciting. The father of our country. I'm honored to meet you sir.
GW: Somebody get this darkie away from me!!!!
Jesus: What the fuck is wrong with you people?!?!?!?!?
Those are the only two I'm interested in unless I'm the murder victim. Note that this question was addressed by Philip Jose Farmer in "Riverworld."
Didn't ask about anger, did I? I asked about how the conversation would go.

Murderer: Oh, errr, um, hi.
Victim: Ah, there you are.
Murderer: Listen, about that knifing ....
Vicitm: yes?
Murderer: Listen, I'm really, really sorry about that.
Victim: You're sorry? I wasn't too ecstatic about it myself
Murderer: Yeah, well,.... I was having a really bad day ...
Victim: Well my bloody day didn't get off to a roaring start either, did it?

I was just stating that the conversation would not even occur unless the murderer was really repentive....and if he was I imagine the convo would be much like you described.
chcr said:
MLK: George Washington! This is so exciting. The father of our country. I'm honored to meet you sir.
GW: Somebody get this darkie away from me!!!!
Jesus: What the fuck is wrong with you people?!?!?!?!?
Those are the only two I'm interested in unless I'm the murder victim. Note that this question was addressed by Philip Jose Farmer in "Riverworld."

that's probably one of the funniest things i've read in quite a while!! *lmao*
I think that there'd be no conversation worth our interest. They'd realize just how incredibly trivial it all is & go have a beer.
Jesus: So...who said anything about you priests remaining celibate?
RC Priest: WTF!?!?!
Jesus: Now...lets talk about those alter boys while I show you this door. Mind the first step..its a doozie!
RC Priest: WTFaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!

(Sounds of bacon cooking)
Typical. So .... graphic.

BTW, this Mac isn't taking any less space yet. Frankly, I'm getting sick of the sight of it.
Jesus: Ok, y'all did some dumb shit.. now you get to go back and experience the other side of it.

GW: You are going to be a black man.
2005 Pedophile: You are going to be a molested 12 yr old girl.
Murderer: You are going to be a murder victim.

Priest:...... nevermind.