Holder's Justice Dept kills Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry

'spoon' hell he sucks on the fire hose

Walk into a 7-11 & buy a Glock. Can't? Must be restricitons.

WTF does that have to do with this stupid shit -> "obama's justice dept created a situation where they can claim US guns were killing people in mexico so they can restrict guns laws in the US even more."
Holder kills Border Patrol Agents

Eric Holder is the anti-christ and is destroying the world
perhaps you are a bit confused

I thought you were supposed to walk into a 7-11
with a gun not try to buy one there
-- Operation Fast and Furious contributed to the increasing violence and deaths in Mexico. This result was regarded with giddy optimism by ATF supervisors hoping that guns recovered at crime scenes in Mexico would provide the nexus to straw purchasers in Phoenix.
How does this not tell you that the goal was to prove that the guns came from the US? Now...

Ask yourself "why would they want to prove the guns were sold in the US?"

Answer: to make it even more difficult for Americans to purchase guns.

proof: when the ATF got caught, the Obama Admin backed off of legislation that was just about to restrict gun purchases in the SW US.

Got caught dirty, backed off of more restriction on legal gun purchases by US citizens.

Commies always grab guns.

JezusXrist you're dense.
hoping that guns recovered at crime scenes in Mexico would provide the nexus to straw purchasers in Phoenix.

Ask yourself "why would they want to prove the guns were sold in the US?"

Those two quotes do not mean at all the same thing. Somehow they do in your fantasy land though.

The purpose is right in your article:

"In an attempt to curb gun running to Mexico"
The purpose is right in your article:

"In an attempt to curb gun running to Mexico"
Liberal logic dictates that sending 1,800 guns to Mexico is curbing guns going to Mexico. Building a fence will curb guns going to Mexico. Lets get that fence built to protect the citizens of Mexico from our dangerous American guns.

Explain why the gun purchasing restriction legislation that was being back by Obama was suddenly no longer being backed by the admin once it was discovered his gun-running project was connected to the murder of a federal agent.

Liberal logic dictates that sending 1,800 guns to Mexico is curbing guns going to Mexico.

yes, again, it's those wacky liberals. dummy dummy dumm dumms!!!

this is more the kinda j edgar hoover shenanigan that you get from the kinda guys that hang around public restrooms to try to bust queers. just a stupid scheme. has nothing to do with liberal or conservative.

but, don't worry, RM, you're much, much better than all those silly liberals. your identity and reputation is intact. :wink2: