more like i have a different threshold than you do.
there have been a bunch of scares and buying frenzies since and even before obammy got in the white house. none of them have really turned into shit. this is the first
real assertion of a 2nd amendment issue from obamus. now there's a leg to stand on rather than just crying wolf like the NRA's been doing all along. (brilliant design for the NRA to undermine itself, BTW.)
it's obvious this is just a tactical move for obama in trying to cover his ass over operation poopframe or whatever it was called. and that suggests a bit of rhetorical constraint, but, a real threshold has been reached...
but in many ways there is no problem. the situation for most of us is fine. the D gov of my state just signed a bill including a provision to make suppressors legal. i can go a mile up the street and buy an ak-47, take it out in the woods near my friend's place in the boonies, and do whatever it is that goat fuckers do with an ak-47 and another man in the forest. i have two handguns (of the same model - the twins). they were both purchased in private party cash and handshake deals, which is legal here. i don't feel like i need a machine gun... in fact i don't feel like i need a gun at all in a personal sense, though i like that there are a zillion regular americans out there that do have them.
and i suppose there is a big difference in perspective. i'm fairly insulated from a lot of things at this point, so i don't have many serious worries... i will be fine long-term no matter who gets elected, because what i do is part of the broader system that includes the power structure (both parties). and capital eats the corn kernels in is own shit like a fucking chimpanzee, to bleed every last bit of energy from it.
ever wonder about animals that eat their young? it's nothing more than a part of nature, right?
shit, i say let leo out of the cage. at least it would be entertaining.