Holy Hannah!


New Member
Check out this monstrous spider that I found skulking on the front of my house last night. Its legspan was as large as my palm. I've never seen this species get this large. It was like a small tarantula.


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Jaysus, i'd definetly not want that thing around! i let some spiders go by their business in my house, i'd defninetly remove or ice that one though!
You shoudl have squashed him! If I find a spider like that in my bananas I'm blanming YOU!
I don't think spiders that large exist here in the netherlands except for the ones which escaped the zoo, the largest I've seen was around 5 cm, with relatively small legs...

...it was 23:30, I was going to bed, and thought "now that's a funny looking black spot over there which I can't quite see because I don't have my glasses on", it turned out it was sitting on my pillow, at about 10 cm's away from my eye. Not my idea of a fun time when you absolutely hate spiders, thank god I wasn't terrified.... instead I was kinda slow, stood up, went to my dad and calmly said "I think there's a spider on my pillow" :D. Too tired to react I guess ;)
I HATE spiders. I scream when I see them and refuse to kill them myself because I would have to get too close. I am such a wuss!
That's why I called my dad :D. Nah, it's getting better... I used to be scared for even the smallest spiders, now I'm up to the point where I just let any spider smaller than 1 cm walk across my arm without getting freaked out... being in the middle of nowhere with spiders in the weekends really helps ;)
i don't like ANY spiders!

Why are you in the middle of nowhere, with spiders on the weekends?
In the weekends we go to our cabin in the wild :headbang:

(well, actually, it's not that wild, and it ain't a cabin either, I just don't know the correct translation for the dutch word 'caravan' :p, but there are spiders and no internet)
I can find no meaning in the english to dutch to english dictionary online
As far as I can tell, 'camper' is the translation. I entered 'wohnwagen' in altavista's translation service, translated it from German to English (german being the only other language except dutch and english which I know a little), and got 'camper' as a result...

It's not a moveable camper though, it has wheels, but there's a whole line of bricks around it to keep it in place, and after all the years standing there, I think you would tear it apart if you even tried to pull it...
Trailer! Camper is another word for trailer aswell. I thought it might be that. I entered "camper" in the English -> Dutch part and it coudln't find anything. I understand what it is though!

We used to have one of those but sold it just after my dad died....