Homo-sex vs. Hetero-sex


Well-Known Member
Thank you to AT for giving me this idea thanks to an...erm...interesting discussion we were having on the topic ;)

Here's the crux of it.
Women go down on women better than men do because they know what feels good through personal experience.
Taking the arguement further: men give better blowjobs because they know, from personal experience what feels good to them and therefore what will feel good to the other man.

Question: If this is the case, then is gay and lesbien sex BETTER than heterosexual sex?

Opinions? -
I had a few lesbian affairs many many years ago, and there is some truth in what you're saying. Those encounters were definitely the most sensual I've ever known. But it depends on what you consider great sex. I've had technically proficient partners that I didn't love and the sex was just OK. The best sex I ever had was with someone who was actually sort of inept, but I was deeply in love with him. :shrug:
Then your answer is no, it is neither better nor more enjoyable?

No personal experience so unknown.

not better...just "different"
where a woman is fully comfortable with everything about a woman, and knows where the right buttons are...

there's something about a man and his 'interest' in a woman's body that would never let me call girlsex "better". And then again there's the whole warm hard cock thing...

Maybe technically, but it's never just about the technical, now is it? :shrug:
Professur said:
More enjoyable, you mean.

Yeah sure. Enjoyeable. More heart-wrenching, sreaming orgasms. More scratch marks down your back, more sweat rolling down youd back. Better.
Hmm, I've often wondered if a homosexual relationship would be fun (I'm of the opinion that everyone should try everything twice in this lifetime) but unfortuneatly my bits don't work that way......I've never found a man to be sexually attractive ...... so I don't have any opinion on the blowjob issue :eh:

As for the cunnilingus debate.......a lot of my female friends do agree with bish, a woman seems to know best........I learned the old fashioned way........grabbed by the ears and told "Just there.......until I say stop!" ;)
Balderdash. (yeah, I said balderdash)

Every woman is different, and has their own personal likes and dislikes. Just because I am a woman and know how *I* like to be pleasured doesn't mean sqaut when applied to another woman. Male or female, you *learn* what you partner likes. Each partner I have had has liked and disliked different things and I have had to adapt and learn with each one. It's silly to think that just because I have a vagina and a clitorus I somehow just magically know how to pleasure any woman. Bullcrap. My vibrator has more qualifications.