Hopefully you'll get this joke


Well-Known Member
So a man and a woman are having dinner on their first date. Things seem to be going well, when the woman says, "Before we get any farther, I want to get this out in the open. It's kinda major, and if it's going to be a problem I need to know right now."

The guy says OK.

Girl: "Well... here goes... I have a record."

Guy: "Record? Like... Fleetwood Mac's Rumours?"

Girl:" No... a criminal record. I did time."

Guy: "Oh... hmm... how long were you locked up for?"

Girl: "Three years."

Guy: "Three years? What did they get you for?"

Girl: "Umm... well, I was actually part of a large drug smuggling operation. They caught me with $50,000 of illicit drugs in my body cavity."

Guy: "Well, I can deal with that... if it wasn't pot."
