House bill to require voter ID


New Member
Close but no cigar...
What this would do is cut out the illegle alien voting base that quite a few of the dems depend on to stay in office....
The House yesterday passed legislation that would require voters to show a valid photo identification in federal elections over the overwhelming objections of Democrats who compared the bill to segregation-era measures aimed at disenfranchising Southern blacks.
Here's the problem with this legislation.

Some of y'all make cracks like "Well, the States' rights argument as relates to the War for Southern Independence is good on paper, but it bears no real relevence..."

Now we get this bill, seemingly something that many people would support. Identifies the voter, cuts down on voter fraud, etc etc. Read it closer.

The FEDERAL government would require a photo ID card to vote in FEDERAL elections, and if any voter cannot afford the ID card, one is to be provided for them free of charge by the STATE.

So. When your State runs low on funds for road upkeep, or a new school, or a new jail, or anything else, remember the millions they had to shell out for ID cards so people can vote in a Federal election. Then pay your taxes like a good little sheep. Then go worship at the lincoln Memorial awhile. Cuz that's precisely when and where it started.

Deo vindice.
Here's the problem with this legislation.

Some of y'all make cracks like "Well, the States' rights argument as relates to the War for Southern Independence is good on paper, but it bears no real relevence..."

Now we get this bill, seemingly something that many people would support. Identifies the voter, cuts down on voter fraud, etc etc. Read it closer.

The FEDERAL government would require a photo ID card to vote in FEDERAL elections, and if any voter cannot afford the ID card, one is to be provided for them free of charge by the STATE.

So. When your State runs low on funds for road upkeep, or a new school, or a new jail, or anything else, remember the millions they had to shell out for ID cards so people can vote in a Federal election. Then pay your taxes like a good little sheep. Then go worship at the lincoln Memorial awhile. Cuz that's precisely when and where it started.

Deo vindice.

I didn't notice that part. You can bet they put the charges on the state to preserve their pet projects, though. ;) I did see this, though...
But Democrats, siding with groups that work on behalf of minorities and illegal aliens, called the bill a "modern-day poll tax" and said it would place an insurmountable burden on voters and infringe upon their voting rights.

The old-style military ID cards only cost about $2.50 to make. The new 'Smart Cards" cost around $80.00 to make. I wonder what type of card will be required if this passes...:hmm: :devious:
Here's a handy idea. If any votes are found to be fraudulent, the entire district is thrown out, and the monitors are thrown in jail for fraud. Since the people who actually work there should know who's actually in their district, or have enough cojones to ask for ID, this would eliminate the problem. In other words...MAKE THESE IDIOTS DO THE JOB THEY WERE HIRED FOR!
You mean this wasn't a law before? I've always had to show my driver's license (in California, that doubles as my official ID) to get my ballot.
The door that's been opened here is that of a Nationwide ID card. If some states accept the drivers license but others don't, there's going to be a need for a new type of photo-ID card made....

consider those who don't drive and therefore don't have a drivers license. What do those people use?
All states issue State ID cards, for a nominal fee (in the neighborhood of $4.).

AZ, CA, IL & IN (states where I've voted) all asked for ID. IN made it a law last year. Would the people who are being disenfranchised the same people who buy Fritos & Mountain Dew on foodstamps while their 2 year old goes hungry?

Unfunded Mandate is the Lincolnian expression you're looking for, SnP.
I thought that's what a girl calls it when she goes out with a guy with no job... an unfunded man date.