Other than a little humidity, I liked the area. It would be nice to already know a few people there, as well. I might get "overruled," though.
I think she said Kansas City mostly because tornados don't seem to hit that area quite as often as a lot of the test of the plains and also because she has family that's not all that far from there. That might ease her transition, since she's never lived away from home before. I have so I could deal with being far away from everyone a little better.
Of course, nothing's set in stone yet. From what we've discussed, this would take place once she gets done with her classes at the local community college, which is another year at least. I actually like that sort of timeframe because it gives me some time to get more established at this paper to have a wider body of work to show potential employers, it gives me time to save a bit more money, and gives me time to make sure I would want to get married and move halfway across the country with her. I think that if we're not sure of it a year from now, it will never happen.