Look mate, i simply thought you'd understand as to why i moved the thread, if you wanna make a scene in which uncle hobart fights the evil moderator Justintime and defends the little people at otc, do so.
If your ego is that fragile as to be bruised by this, i dunno what to say, but since Last legionary said you knew why i moved his thread, and that
he did'nt want it to be discussed further, and he came back to me when he saw your thread and said:
[13:59] Last Legionary says: eeeek
[13:59] Last Legionary says: that isn't any better!
[13:59] Last Legionary says: :S :S
I just took it upon myself to move yours lest it cause more problems for him, and guessed you'd understand as to why it was moved, seems you don't and decided to blow it into a huge situation

anyhow, i gotta have do my
real life job now, and i just know a few others gotta have thier say against the dictatorship that is otc, and the evil mod justintime, so i'll read up later