How badly do you want world peace?

"Visualize whirled peas."

Hmm... Not very conducive to orgasm, I'd have to say.
I'm always proud of myself when someone mentions that they don't like peas and I get to use the ol' "all we are saying is give peas a chance" line. :D
I think the generalized idea of peace is highly overrated but I'm willing to participate in this.

*Now, where's the Mrs*
I can understand that with age the sexual impulse is not the same and there must be an age when it goes near zero. But I believe that when you marry it increases instead of decrease.
I think that any dip in sexual desire should be viewed as a health issue (drop in hormone level, fatigue, illness) or a relationship problem (you suck- I hate you, you never satisfy me so why should I bother, you're a dirty scumbag that smells like ass and I don't want you touching me) or a mental issue with sex (past bad experiences, feelings of neglect etc).
A mental issue with sex should reveal itself before marriage and so are many relationship problems. If sex was great before getting married then I guess the only sane reason for it not being the same (or greater) would be health related.
Lotsa relationship problems take several years to manifest...when people stop acting like the people they were when they were dating. Why folks ever do this is beyond me but whatev.
Also, for some bizarre reason a lot of women think that they way to hook a man is to put out in spite of issues with sex but once the commitment is made they shift gears...this is crazy behavior indeed but really prevalent.
I still can't adjust to the idea that once you're married sex goes out the window. :shrug:

It's not an overnight thing. It's an night after night after night after night after night after night after night after night thing
Tonks? Some of us just don't have the apparently gigantuan sex drive that you have. Mine's always been low. :shrug:

But you didn't fake it before right?....well, how could you? You were like 4 when you guys started dating ;) (which I think is awesome BTW)