How can you mend a broken heart?

On not too satisfying closer inspection, I believe that I can safely gauge by the condition of the other danglies in the same vicinity, that "it" was definitely NOT cold that day.
Should that (your assesment) be the case, then no wonder whatshername left him. I wonder if she needs a new friend?
Problem is, her areolas are almost tits in themselves. I don't dig tits where there's a mound, then a cone-shaped areola sitting on top of that, with the nipple on top of that.
Inkara1 said:
Problem is, her areolas are almost tits in themselves. I don't dig tits where there's a mound, then a cone-shaped areola sitting on top of that, with the nipple on top of that.
Southern wisdom: Them that goes to cullin' goes to not gettin' none.
Inkara1 said:
Problem is, her areolas are almost tits in themselves. I don't dig tits where there's a mound, then a cone-shaped areola sitting on top of that, with the nipple on top of that.

Who cares...look at thoose lips. Now picture those lips around...
Leslie said:
He has a teenyweenypeeny :sick2:

Peeny would be the last thing on my mind!!!!!! Just look at the man! I wouldn't need peeny to get my enjoyment!

All I have to say is... move over Jennifer... I'll have your children Brad... all 9 of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!