How do you feel about music in threads?

How do you feel about sbcanada, aka Specktard?

  • huh?

    Votes: 14 100.0%
  • sb is not a Specktard

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • why should I care?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Specktard is fitting and should remain his title

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no opinion

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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I'll show you guys some respect by saying I am done fighting for now, and I hope there are no hard feelings. If you are offeneded by me, don't read my posts.

I would also like to respectfully ask that you take my Spacktard label off. Everyone knows I am one, there is no need to stamp it on my forehead. :hairbang:
No. In the interests of fairness, change it back to normal. How would you like if we stamped "fury ass kisser" on your forehead Leslie? Let the n00bs find that out for themselves. :D
You bitch about not having any allies then you ask your friends to come over here, and what do they do? Post one line contributing nothing to your side of the argument. Now what in the hell was the point of that?
Oh, sure... All of a sudden, right out of the blue, someone with your exact same avatar and NO OTHER POSTS AT ALL jumps in and shows his/her/its support for you. I really fell for that one, jeez :rolleyes:
Get your head out of your ass.

I honestly do not know who Lindsey is. So far there have been two people that have copied my avatar. Look in the "sober" thread. I have no idea who those 2 people are. I won't lie about it. Operations however, is a friend of mine.
Originally posted by operations
Is this an open forum or a closed one?

It is an open wouldn't be able to post in a closed forum.
The "dot" defines a lot things in a statement. It can be a terminator, a decoration or even a symbolic gesture.

Oh, it can also describe the content of this thread.
Yo, I'd be cool if fury would remove the Spacktard title and stop messing with my profile. I do realize the post count is not his fault.
:confuse3: You weren't cool before the Spacktard title went on. Why would you suddenly be cool without it again?
has your hand been cut off yet or are you still just a pain in the ass know it all :D
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