How do you shop?


100% Pure Canadian Beef
I hate shopping, I really really really hate shopping

I want to know how you get through it.

I know some friends that shop on the net, it's easy and fast, but you have to wait for the stuff.

Some people I know love it, and they spend lots of time looking at everything.

When shopping with the sig. other (hi babe) I get through it by picturing myself slowly torturing to death everyone that bumps into me, and bombing the mall, and bitching and complaining until she finally gives up, and we go home. (we'll argue about it at home, no spamming honey)

When shopping for myself, well I know my size, and I go in knowing what I want, so I get it, and get out, when shopping for others, well when that nice young girl in the really tight pants asks me "can I help you" I say yes, I want what is on that maniquinne, but with this diffrent, this size, this is my budget, I'll be back in 10 minutes.

and it works :D

so, how do you get by, and where do you bury the bodies?
i try not to shop...but it's tolerable crowds, no salespeople that wanna sell you something you obviously don't want...the wait sucks...but most of the time the price is worth it...and you can find stuff you can't find at the local walmart (i just ordered a pair of hi top canvas chuck taylors for my 3 year old). and it's there 24 hours a pressure to get it this instant.
I'm a power shopper, I go in, I get what I want. If it doesn't fit the person I'm getting it for, they can take it back.

I know my sizes, I do not have to try on every pair of pants and every shirt to make sure it fits. If I make a mistake and buy a shirt that doesn't fit, I just don't wear it. I don't take it back.

Shopping with the wife is different, she's a shopping shopper. She must try on every pair of pants, even if she's just getting three different colors of the same brand, style, etc. Must try all three on, like her ass is not gonna fit in the blue if it fits in the beige. :shrug:

As for picturing armegeddon while I'm shopping with the wife, I'll give that a try, see if it helps.
Like PT, I never return anything. I never try anything on. I never browse. I rarely set foot inside a store unless I know they have the item I need and it's waiting for me at "will call" or "customer service." Most of my shopping is done online. As tonks said, it's 24/7 and easy.

Fortunately, the vast majority of my friends or relatives no longer exchange gifts with me, so I virtually never need to buy holiday or birthday presents. Those few who persist get flowers or food/wine items, all of which can be ordered over the phone or online.
paul_valaru said:
When shopping with the sig. other (hi babe) I get through it by picturing myself slowly torturing to death everyone that bumps into me, and bombing the mall, and bitching and complaining until she finally gives up, and we go home. (we'll argue about it at home, no spamming honey)

No comment to you honey.

Most of the time, I hate shopping. I try to find what I need and leave. When there aren't too many people around, then I'll enjoy looking around and browsing through stuff.

Men have it much easier. If you know your size, you get it and that's it. Unfortunately for women, the size varies between who made the article of clothing, the cut, etc. It's a pain in the ass. I wish I can just go in and get my size in something I like and leave as well. Unfortunately, it won't happen.

I do like to take my darling (sarcastic) hubby with me when I'm shopping for a certain occasion. I know he'll be honest with me and tell me if the outfit looks good, bad, etc. Unfortunately, he hates coming with me. When I get home after shopping, I show him what I've purchased. When he doesn't like it, I feel like shit and then bitch him out for not coming. The sales girls will tell you lies most of the time just so they can get the sale and commission.
i'm a power shopper too. get what i'm looking for and out the door as fast as possible.
when out with the wife, i make sure i have a gameboy on hand to while away the hours while she looks at ever single piece of clothing on every rack....
I love shopping. *sigh* I hate shoe shopping, but I love JC Penny clothing shopping. I can browse around and shop until my feet hurt and I can't take another step in that store.

Anyone ever tried for their shopping needs? I've recently ordered two sheet sets and a mattress pad through them and am excited to see how it goes. If they are nice, I'll definately start doing more shopping with them.

Bish - has reduced-priced Vettraino works, too. Just a couple, but some good ones.
Another power shopper here. It brings up one of my pet peeves though. Say I go to the grocery for a six-pack and a can of mixied nuts. I know where the beer is, I know where the nuts are. In, out, on my way. With the wife, it's up and down each and every fucking aisle. I just want beer and nuts, I don't wish to make a career of wandering aimlessly (no, as a matter of fact I'm not stupid enough to tell her). I don't even tell her anymore if she's with me and I want to stop at the store, I just do without. :shrug:
chcr said:
I don't even tell her anymore if she's with me and I want to stop at the store, I just do without. :shrug:
It's probably much faster to go home, drop her off, sit down for a minute, then jump up and act like you forgot so you can just go back yourself, right? :D
geez... with these recent posts I don't know if I'm ashamed to be a woman (we're not ALL inveterate shoppers, btw), or just relieved that I'm not married... :lol:
I can't stand shopping, the BF loves it. He drags me every where looking at shoes, and shirts, and stuff, and the minute an assistant even looks at me, I'm gone. :rolleyes: Having said that, I've found a shop I like so I'm probably gonna go have another look today. I hate girly frilly stuff.
Uki Chick said:
No comment to you honey.

Yeesh......I'm on the other side of the Atlantic and that one sentence filled me with dread. Run Paul! Run while yer still able ;)

Being single (again) means I can usually shop how I like..........chaotically and a bit mischeiviously :D (nothing quite like a game of Stalk the Security Guards at the shops....Rambo has bugger all on me in disguise in the unmentionables isle).
Shit! I have to go shopping tomorrow. I guess i'll do it commando style, as usual; Use grappling hook to access the roof from a dark back alley, find the ventilation shaft, crawl to the power central, cut the power, grab wares, put money on counter, run like the wind.

Seriously, i feel like spicing it up a little... Any realistic yet fun suggestions?
BeardofPants said:
I can't stand shopping, the BF loves it. He drags me every where looking at shoes, and shirts, and stuff, and the minute an assistant even looks at me, I'm gone. :rolleyes: Having said that, I've found a shop I like so I'm probably gonna go have another look today. I hate girly frilly stuff.
I hate frills too. I avoid trends and always buy extremely plain clothes, so the 10 year old suit is still perfectly servicable for special occasions. This way I only need to buy clothes once every two or three years. ;)
Dollarwise, its a 50/50 split between online and the traditional stores... but thats just because I do more major ticket items over the net. The traditional stores might be nothing more than 20-30$ a pass for more mundane items.
I'm married, and the missus does most of the shopping. I blitz shop if I have to.

Except ( you knew this was coming)

Tools, and computer parts. Christ, those, I shop like a woman in a shoe store, with a new gold card. I blew an hour wandering about the B&D warehouse shop yesterday. Look at the 14.4V drill and circular saw kit, for $99, with 2 batteries, charger, carrybag, and all manner of bits and blades. Leave that, and look at the Zipsaw kit ($29.99). Then wander over to the Navigator saw (29.99). Then to the liquidation bin to see what VersaPak tools I don't have yet. Then browse the lawntools. Then the kitchen stuff. Then back to the 14.4V kit. Definitely decide I don't want that, go back to the Zipsaw. Spend 10 minutes looking at that. Thinking about the different blades, and sanding bits. Pick it up, and wander some more. Back to the 14.4V kit. 2 minutes there. Go put the Zipsaw back. Look at it a bit more. Realize that it doesn't take standard jigsaw blades.
Fuck that.

Notice that there's three different prices on the Navigator. $49.99 for damaged packaging. $39.99 for rebuilt, with gel grips. And $29.00 for the rebuilt regular grips. Spend 10 minutes looking at the specs. Thinking about the interchangable blades. Forget the $49.99 version. The $39.99 has those upgrade grips. The regular grips are $10 less. Are the gel grips worth $10? Am I ever gonna use it enough to need gel grips? Am I ever gonna use it at all? What's the bit difference between this and my recipricating saw? What, it only has three blades? And they're proprietary?
Fuck that.
Wander the garden tools again. Seriously consider a hedge trimmer. That one accepts this attachment that makes it a pruning saw. Neato. That would be really useful if I get the house we're looking at. It's got this huge hedge. But, that money would probably be better tossed onto the down payment, wouldn't it? Without that, I might not get the house, and then I'd look pretty dumb having this, wouldn't I?

Heading for the door, swing by the 14.4V kit again. It's a good kit. The 5+" circular saw wil cut a 2x. Carbide blade. And it does have 2 batteries. They're the price of the kit. But then, I've already got the VersaPak drill. And if I need more power than that, I've all manner of corded tools.
Fuck it.

And out to the car.
I don't do any shopping at all. That's what I have my wife do. She knows my sizes and if it's something I don't like she returns it. She like to shop and I don't, so it's an easy trade.

When it comes to books and computers, I do all that through either my suppliers for the computer stuff and Powells for the books.

I do go to the local grocery store for fud, but I know what I want when I go in there.
depends. if i am with somoene i just wander wiht them. if i am getting something for me I just go get it and leave.
PostCode said:
I do go to the local grocery store for fud, but I know what I want when I go in there.

Oooo. That's another thing. I simply cannot go near a food store if I'm hungry. The missus once asked me to stop off and pick up bread and milk on the way home. Cost me $40.