How do you shop?

I hear ya bud. The cookie isle happens to be right there as you enter the store. It's probably a conspiracy but it sure as hell is one I'll follow. :D
it's funny...i can't spend hours upon hours rummaging through a thrift store but i get antsy after 15 minutes in a regular retail store :shrug: guess i'm a cheap bastard....
If what you got your wife for your anniversary qualifies you for the title of "cheap bastard," then God help you.
Know what I want, go in, get it, get the fuck out.

I do NOT shop with the wife, because her way is different and we drive each other insane. Computer parts are almost always an on-line purchase, but I will spend some time browsing the return rack at Microcenter™.

The one exception: Book stores. Both of us will happily spend hours at the book exchange. Thus, we have more shelf space than the local branch library, and could use more.
HomeLAN said:
Know what I want, go in, get it, get the fuck out.

Same here.

Thou i have a women's gene, i'm a compulsory buyer, so I better stay away from puters, electronics, books and dvds most of the time.
HomeLAN said:
The one exception: Book stores. Both of us will happily spend hours at the book exchange. Thus, we have more shelf space than the local branch library, and could use more.

That's our house too. We currently have three ceiling height bookcases, full. There are also about 8 boxes of books in our bedroom closet that need a new case or two as soon as I get them made.
PuterTutor said:
That's our house too. We currently have three ceiling height bookcases, full. There are also about 8 boxes of books in our bedroom closet that need a new case or two as soon as I get them made.

4 ceiling height, 2 glass doored head-high, one shoulder high, all packed, plus about 4 boxes. And we just purged the collection about 5 weeks ago.
i never really keep books after i read them...excepting some classics and any reference books...i'll either pass them on or turn them in for credit at a used book store....but the majority of what i read is either from the public library or passed on to me by someone else.
drkavnger99 said:
Ok I gotta know.... ! :lloyd: What did you get her?

That's the problem....It's this Sunday and I haven't yet.

I may be gone a while as I may be in the hospital for sometime.

PostCode said:
That's the problem....It's this Sunday and I haven't yet.

I may be gone a while as I may be in the hospital for sometime.


spa, full day, gift certificate

go man go
PostCode said:
That's the problem....It's this Sunday and I haven't yet.

I may be gone a while as I may be in the hospital for sometime.

Ahh thats nothing new I do that every christmas :p ... I wake up that day and go on my usual routine of getting ready for another day. Then my fiance tells me we have to goto her parents in an hour. I'm like for what... she says for christmas you idiot! Then I realize I'm in trouble! Time to wrap up some mugs (from the cupboard of course) maybe a towel or two from the linen closet! And so on and on and on...
HomeLAN said:
4 ceiling height, 2 glass doored head-high, one shoulder high, all packed, plus about 4 boxes. And we just purged the collection about 5 weeks ago.

Damn, Ever think about just going ahead and opening a library?
The husband and I made an agreement long ago that we won't do grocery shopping together. It never works out well. Even now we are skittish just to run in for something quick because we know better than even enter the store together!
PuterTutor said:
Damn, Ever think about just going ahead and opening a library?

We've usually got about 6 of theirs floating around, too. :D

My wife takes down about a book every other day, and I usually kill 3 a week. Gotta feed the beast.
I'm another power shopper when it comes to things I know the price of, but if I'm going into, say, a computer show, I'll look around for the best deal. I also make it a point not to buy anything I won't use or think I ever will use. My dad's GF has a terrible shopping attitude of 'why buy silver when you can get gold?' That's how she ended up spending $200 on a scanner. Total waste of money, especially since she never uses 35mm film.
Stop Laughing said:
My dad's GF has a terrible shopping attitude of 'why buy silver when you can get gold?'
Wow that is a terrible attitude... and for clarification you are talking about at the computer shows right?