How Far?

Ill be pretty lenient but like my parents wll have some rules. but I would be much more permissive. If they want a tattoo or a piercing Ill say at 16 or 17. Hair colouring does not bother me. how they dress is on them again at 16 or 17. But I would rather know that they are safe.
tonksy said:
my girls have their ears pierced. i had it done when they were babies.

My ex got Alex's done when she was really little. Sadly she can only wear the 14k gold studs, but she really wants to keep them. She does really well keeping them clean and only wearing the right kinds. It's really been a lesson to her about taking care of her things.

If only she would catch on that this applies to her Bratz and Baribie dolls too.
I wanted me kid to do everythang he wanted to do
while he was still here and has...

The only thing that matters is keeping that old comm channel open.

Sex drugs and alcohol!

Heh now he's got a GF that is saving herself for marrige!
They might be rare in the "United States of Canada," but in "Jesusland" a lot of girls are religious, and a huge amount are saving themselves for marriage. It's very frustrating for us guys... although, a lot of guys are abstaining too.
Inkara1 said:
They might be rare in the "United States of Canada," but in "Jesusland" a lot of girls are religious, and a huge amount are saving themselves for marriage. It's very frustrating for us guys... although, a lot of guys are abstaining too.

Seriously... wtf for?

So they can spring the introduction of their good friend Saun the Sheep and Eric the nipple electrodes on their new wife on their honey moon night?

And you can't tell me the "silver ring thing" movement is working...

I just find it all very very strange and disturbing... maybe I should relocate and set up a "sexual counselling clinic"... specialising in the therapy that was needed 40 years ago and will undoutedly be required again...

"It really can be enjoyable you know... you don't have to just lie there and think of Jesus"....

It's something along the lines of "my virginity is something I can only give once, so I'll keep it to give to the person I'm going to spend the rest of my life with."
Inkara1 said:
It's something along the lines of "my virginity is something I can only give once, so I'll keep it to give to the person I'm going to spend the rest of my life with."


"I'm too fricking *add derogitory adjective* to get laid... best not try" :p :D

Me bitter?... no!

Some of us would have liked the option... were denide it and feel that those who have this "supperior" attitude towards their "gift" want a short sharp crack with a large thick piece of lead!
freako104 said:
probably because they are taught it is a Sin to have sex outside of marriage

For which you need to believe in sin, believe in a good, believe in God...

Again wtf for?

On all four accounts!

I just hate those who are so righteous about keeping certain things in tact. I have my reasons... they may be a tad screwy Eric but they're mine....
ClaireBear said:
For which you believe in sin, believe in a good, believe in God...

Again wtf for?

On all four accounts!

I just hate those who are so righteous about keeping certain things in tact. I have my reasons... they may be a tad screwy Eric but they're mine....

Claire, reread what you just wrote, will you. You just attacked someone else's righteousness with your own, and without justifying your position at all. I have my reasons is no more justification for a position than, God said so. In fact, it's much less.
Professur said:
Claire, reread what you just wrote, will you. You just attacked someone else's righteousness with your own, and without justifying your position at all. I have my reasons is no more justification for a position than, God said so. In fact, it's much less.

One idiocy striking another then...

My reasoning and justification is personal and private...

Yes... I possibly shouldn't use something I'm not willing to share openly on a forum as a reason to back up a statement but type is a difficult medium to put across thoghts and feelings...

My response to Eric and the notion of "sex before marriage" would be much more valid if it were verbal and perhaps face to face.... as it wasn't... It came across badly.

I apologise for that and that alone... Not my feelings concerning the fact that "saving oneself" is considered worthy or right or that any one who does so is any better or virtuous than the next person. Not everyone can make it a choice.
ClaireBear said:
One idiocy striking another then...

My reasoning and justification is personal and private...

Yes... I possibly shouldn't use something I'm not willing to share openly on a forum as a reason to back up a statement but type is a difficult medium to put across thoghts and feelings...

To back up your statements is fine. To attack another's position isn't. I don't know it you can understand the distinction.

My response to Eric and the notion of "sex before marriage" would be much more valid if it were verbal and perhaps face to face.... as it wasn't... It came across badly.

Truer words were never spoken. That's why it's always a good idea to take a minute to reread before hitting the send key.

I apologise for that and that alone... Not my feelings concerning the fact that "saving oneself" is considered worthy or right or that any one who does so is any better or virtuous than the next person. Not everyone can make it a choice.

But worth is always a personal opinion, isn't it? Moral values, right and wrong. They're all personal. And all choices.
Professur said:
But worth is always a personal opinion, isn't it? Moral values, right and wrong. They're all personal. And all choices.

But to remain "whole clean unblemished unsullied" isn't always a choice...

I'm sure many wish it were always the case but sometimes its not and to put one girl on a pedestal for something that... although she has a made a decision about it... can in no way effect how deserving or good a person she is... is wrong. She's only been able to have a choice and a say in a matter that some girls have taken out of their hands completely.
Just because someone took some doesn't mean one can't keep the rest for onesself.
ClaireBear said:
But to remain "whole clean unblemished unsullied" isn't always a choice...

I'm sure many wish it were always the case but sometimes its not and to put one girl on a pedestal for something that... although she has a made a decision about it... can in no way effect how deserving or good a person she is... is wrong. She's only been able to have a choice and a say in a matter that some girls have taken out of their hands completely.

Asbso-fucking-lutely right. Now, pay attention, coz this is gonna come in fast. If a girl gives up her virginity, that's a choice. A moral choice. If a girl is attacked and raped, that is not. Said girl shouldn't, and can't be held accountable for that. Is the rapist guilty ... always. I don't accept any justification for rape. That she was drunk, wearing sexy clothes, or even lying naked on a bed, there's never an excuse for men, for humans, to decend to animals. But, if a girl does any of those, should she not shoulder a share of the responsability? It's called making one's self a target, and it's a grey area that everyone has to make decisions about for themselves. If I'm in a bar, and this woman comes on to me, humping my leg, and then coming back to my place that an invitation? If she suddenly gets shy, and won't say "fuck me" but is getting into my bed .... Where's right and wrong here? It's in my morals.

And to put a girl on a pedestal for having morals ... No, wait, for having made decisions I approve of ... is exactly right. That's how long loving relationships are built. It beats putting them on a pedestal for having big boobs, and a firm ass, don't it?
I don't have a problem with girls who wan't to save themselves for marriage, by all means, do so. Heck, at one point as a young girl, that was my plan, and I was in no way religious. Changed my mind tho. Obviously.
There's a big difference between choosing to remain a virgin for your own reasons and having those reasons driven into you, thus forcing you (ethically/morally) to remain a virgin.

One is a conscious choice, the other...peer pressure.

Same goes for drugs, alcohol, smoking etc... if you choose to start any (or not) , on your own..fine. If you're doing it (or not) because of pressure from your friends, your teachers, your family, your clergy...that's not so good.

See those people jumping off the bridge over there...that doesn't have to be you.