How has the Internet changed your life? (10K)


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* 10k post*

How the internet has changed your life

I jumped onto the internet around 1990 or so, with a dial-in local BBS called GameMaster and eventually through Genie (General Electric Network for Information Exchange). The internet was still fairly small then…certainly not the world-wide network that it is today. The people that you chatted with and played mostly ascii games with were often local (in the case of BBSs) and small groups at best (limited by bandwidth far more than the internet is today).

If you were online, it cost you a bundle/minute and you were tying up your phone line. Now, rates are dropping and people are using the internet AS their phone line…and it’s certainly not a local thing anymore.

I’ve gone from a 300BAUD dialup modem to 100MBps and still can’t type any faster. :rofl:

I know people from literally around the world, many of whom I’d call friends despite the fact that I may never meet any of them IRL. I talk with, joke with, argue with and cheer on people from different cultures, backgrounds, and religions than I would even have been exposed to had the Internet not existed.

I can see news events developing almost immediately after it happens, post about it, read about it, argue about it and get sick of it long before most (unconnected) people see it on their nightly TV news or read about it in their local paper. I get my weather forecast from the internet, can do my banking from the internet, pay bills, buy stuff and sell stuff on the internet.

Internet as a source for more eclectic music, art, drama, movies … internet as a source of really bad jokes and side-splitting ones. The Internet as a hobby almost as much as a divertissement. The internet as a tool for learning, creating opinions, changing opinions and learning again. Hell, I even earn some spare change fixing people’s web-pages. on the internet...not to mention the pr0n!!

All together, I’d say that the internet has made my life that much richer.

How has the Internet changed your life?
I have Rob...and I work online. I'd say that's a dramatic effect.

mmm ... given your recent party ...just how "virtual" IS Rob? :D

seriously tho' ... did you meet online as it were? That'dbe a pretty big internet influence! :)

..does he always have pigtails btw? :grinyes:


( he looks like a BIG fella!)

*gets incredibly sugary* ... an a lovely fella i'm sure ... :grinyes:

seriously tho' ... what was i supposed to be on about again?

oh yeah ...

Congrats on ya 10,000th mr Bish!

Great thread ..when i have a mo to think about a reply, be sure i will!

It's a pretty broad sweep, should be a runner this one!

Have fun, very best,BB
Rob and I met here on OTC :D

Oh! And the items I purchased at my party are 99% for couple use and no he doesn't always have pigtails....and he recently shaved his beard much to my chagrin.
:eek5: Does he look younger?

If i have had a rough few days,not shaved etc ... a good wet shave can knock off 5 years!

really? How cool.

So, the internet basically changed BOTH your lives bigtime huh?

heh, that's genuinely cool - you guys seem pretty happy and steady and whatnot.

btw ..that reminds me, i was reading about SNP's fire ... man it was good to read the folks (as you guys say) rally round ... but i had to log off ..gotta go finish reading that etc ...

as da Bish said - yeah, maybe we never meet in RL ... :shrug: ..but you do make friends on here, you spend "time" together, thoughts, jokes, chat etc ... and where ya can, you DO try and help em out if ya can ...

i know i have helped out a few people onlione one way or another, and i was happy to do so.

anyway Tonksy and ROB ( that's Highwayman or Unc right? .... sorry , mind like sieve sometimes ... *embarrased* )

anyway - the best to you both ...

i'll be back with a quick edit ... :bolt: :eek5: :D
He does look a bit younger but I really like his beard. He says it gets itchy and he needs a break to let his skin breathe....but I notice he hasn't shaved again since he hacked it off.
Tell him not to be such a girl. I'll bet I've had my beard continuously since before he could grow one. :p
You were sooooooooo close to getting a right royal...


*closes the drawer holding the saw-edged ice cream scoop*

No offence meant, man .... just a bit forgetful sometimes .... it's my mis-spent youth :grinyes:

(hooboy! ... did i mis-spend my mis-spent youth ..... sadly, i fear the bill is just gonna land on the doormat one day ... (any day) ... soon ... )

best, BB
now THAT sounds like A fun sIG!!!!

.... J/K ;)

HEH, good luck you guys!

so - if you don't mind me asking- how did you meet then?
you were both on OTC and ..presumably pretty local to each other..?

you guys just hooked up one time and hit it off? :)

... mmmm ... hope this don't cause any arguments ... ;) ..BB remembers asking (years ago) both me dad and mum how they met ...

... seems memory was a rather subjective gig! :D

anyway - Have fun!
How has the Internet changed your life?
Well.. I'm not a social person. Without Internet, I would not be communicating with people other than at work. Before Internet, it was just me and the telly. Now, I communicate with other people on a daily basis. Wee and stuff.

Compared to most of you old folks (*ducks*), I haven't been online for that long. It all really started at college six years ago, the moment they gave me my very own password, and showed me the "on"-button. :) At first I gave chatrooms a go. That's where I first used my current screen-name. Soon realised that wasn't for me. Stumbled upon a couple of Norwegian forums, that was more like it. :grinyes:

The first English speaking forum I became a member of was related to erm, a certain talk show. I'd watch it while having breakfast before going to college, and one day I noticed a webadress showing up at the end of the show. Hah! I now had a way to bitch about how crappy it was! *cough* So, on that forum I threw in my two cents, and some of the other topics caught my interest. I kept coming back and became acquainted with some folks there - who also originally stopped by to bitch about something from the show. Us non-fans practically owned the board for some time, and today we hang out elsewhere, still in touch. Two of them just had their 2nd baby together. (They lived on opposite sides of the world before meeting on the forum) :D

I got Internet at home three years ago, I think. That seriously did damage to my tv-habits.
now THAT sounds like A fun sIG!!!!

.... J/K ;)

HEH, good luck you guys!

so - if you don't mind me asking- how did you meet then?
you were both on OTC and ..presumably pretty local to each other..?

you guys just hooked up one time and hit it off? :)

... mmmm ... hope this don't cause any arguments ... ;) ..BB remembers asking (years ago) both me dad and mum how they met ...

... seems memory was a rather subjective gig! :D

anyway - Have fun!

We met here and talked on the phone as friends. I was in Louisiana at the time but accruing information about moving to other cities and Atlanta was one of the cities on my list. Rob was giving me the scoop on Atlanta.
He came down to watch the Superbowl at my house and sparks flew. He invited me to stay with him until I found a place of my own and I never left.