How has the Internet changed your life? (10K)

We met here and talked on the phone as friends. I was in Louisiana at the time but accruing information about moving to other cities and Atlanta was one of the cities on my list. Rob was giving me the scoop on Atlanta.
He came down to watch the Superbowl at my house and sparks flew. He invited me to stay with him until I found a place of my own and I never left.


well, good for OTC then ..and the pair of you ...



... SAM ever thought of starting an agency? :D

£££$$$££$$ ... you already have the perfect testimonials!


seriously tho' - all the best!

Things are good, the Critter is good - aww, he just brought me marzipan... - as an excuse to help himself to some. The sneaky little.. :grinyes:

wotcha Starya! :kiss:

... i don't like marzipan ... :hmm: ... but ... even more for you guys i guess.

..personally i am very sociable ... but i'm kinda right now (VERY) heavily commited to my business .... the old life-style/ work balance is so blurred even a drunken Glaswegian would consider it hazy ...


the tightropes of fortune DO seem to be turning into bridges of toll-bearing futures though! :)

('bout bloody time ... ya wanna get anywhere in this life you have to bloody work at it - even lifestyles such as my own)

mind, i do (mostly) enjoy what i do! :bgpimp:

BB xxx
My wife and I also met online, just not here. So there's one major impact.

Personally, I view the internet as one of two things.

One - a time killer. I come on here, go to online game sites, fantasy sports sites, and various other sites to kill time/socialize.

Two - research. [shocking statement]I have used the internet to learn more of the true history of the War of Northern Aggression than I ever could have using print media alone.[/shocking statement] That topic alone has been exceedingly fulfilling for me, but it's far from the only topic I research. I get on tangents. I might study moonshining in Appalachia for three months, then get interested in classic muscle car shows, then dialect origins, then hiking trails, then who knows what. Without the internet, I'd be a nuisance at the library (instead of being one here).
The internet has allowed me to be a complete and total asshole to people I do not know. :D Seriously, though, I never give it much thought. Its a nice place to hang out, but its not really any more advanced than the party-lines of old. :shrug:
Like SnP..I consider it one hell of a research tool. I use it to look at trends in advertising and graphic design, read about program updates, new tools and methods. Basically, to keep my edge sharp. It's also a great place to find images that I can buy/DL and use for my company's printed media (Beats the hell out of the old printed catalogues that photographers used to put out).
I'm a casual user of the 'net. I use it to keep up with news --- it allows me to read newspapers I'd otherwise never see.

Mostly I keep up with friends, through message boards, that I've made through my interest in racing.

This particular forum has allowed me to 'meet' people from other countries with widely varied interests and opinions. Y'all have welcomed this old woman, and I appreciate it.
The wife & I started a part time business and almost everything was done over the web. Registering the business, purchasing and some of the selling.
Even at my work the amount of simple things we do over the web makes life easier