How many tickets for traffic violations have you had?

How many tickets have you had for traffic violations?

  • 0 - I'm a goody goody!

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • Less than 10 - I don't get caught often

    Votes: 12 54.5%
  • 20 - 50 - Those guys keep picking on me!

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • Over 50 - What are the rules of the road again?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
Well... tell the truth now!

I have been riding and driving for 26 years and can truthfully say I have NEVER had a ticket. :)
Neither has my wife. I, on the other hand, have had six. Luckily, none of them close enough together to ever lose my license. A word to the wise; if they stop you doing 135 mph in a 55 mph zone, they don't write you a ticket. They take you directly to jail.:retard:
chcr said:
Neither has my wife. I, on the other hand, have had six. Luckily, none of them close enough together to ever lose my license. A word to the wise; if they stop you doing 135 mph in a 55 mph zone, they don't write you a ticket. They take you directly to jail.:retard:

I doubt if my car could cough itself much past 100mph! :lol:

I've never driven faster than 85mph in it anyway...
In my youth, I was not always troubled by mundane things like sense, or even sanity. :D
1. 12 years ago, I got pulled over 5 times in my hometown for an expired inspection sticker (all within about 2 months timeframe) but I knew all the cops so they all let me go with a warning. Till the 5th cop turned out to be the same guy as the 3rd cop and gave me the $75. ticket.

2. 8 years ago, I was driving on a pretty much deserted highway at 3am on a weekday and got pulled over while doing 85mph in a 55. Gave him my brother in law's PBA card with his badge number on it and instead of giving me a ticket for 30 over, he gave me a ticket for 17mph over.

3. Then 7 years ago, the nightmare started... I was driving my sister's car and got pulled over for an expired registration sticker. I didn't tell the cop I was a volunteer EMT till after he started writing the ticket. He changed it to a 'no insurance card' ticket which only requires you to send in a copy of your insurance card and it's thrown out, no fine and nothing on your license. Gave the ticket to my sister to send in the copy of the card. She never did.

In the meantime, had a big fight with my parents and moved out of the house. My mother signed for the notification that they were having a court case to convict me of driving with no insurance. She never gave it to me. I was convicted-$1500. fine, revoked license. I knew nothing about it till I got a letter that they had already revoked my license.

Took me a year and a half and hiring a lawyer to prove not only that there was insurance on the car at the time but that I was innocent. It was finally rescinded two years later but it cost me a crazy amount of time and money to resolve it.

4. Last year I got a parking ticket that wasn't mine. The way the cop wrote it, his D looked like an O and it came up as my car instead of the actual offender's car. Even the description of the car didn't match so I fought it and they corrected their mistake.
So where's all the bad boys? Come on, I wanna see what you've been up to... or will admit to... Maybe I should've made this a pull for anything poll? Drunk and disorderly perhaps?... :lol:

I used to drive drunk, but i did it so good that even transit patrols passed me and couldn't notice any drunk driving.
In a private vehicle, quite a few but none since '86. In the big truck, about 6-four in ozhio :mad:

+24 years of driving
eh, I think I've had maybe seven or eight over the past decade. All but two were speeding (the others were for expired inspection sticker).

It's a wonder I don't get more. Every weekend I hit ~100mph sustained for an hour or two... wherever I happen to be visiting that weekend. I actually put a little money aside each month to cover the next ticket (usually $5 to $10).
Yea....yesterday i got pulled over so it would be my 1st......the cop ticketed me for folowing someone too close. I was also clocked doing 60 in a 50 but he gave me a warning on that one. if he would have caught me at the right time i would have been doing 70 in a 50.

god damn police
I have had 3 tickets written to me and had only 2 convictions. One was speeding doing 50 in a 40 mph zone and then I got a ticket by some bitch ass woman cop who tries and tell me what I was doing.... She said I was whipping 360's in the parking lot (winter) and that I was driving wrecklessly very close to both pedestrians and property in the parking lot all with my 86 year old grandmother sitting right next to me. She wrote me a ticket for reckless driving, private property and life endangerment, speeding and unattentive driving. Needless to say I did nothing but the speeding part so I fought it in court and pleaded it down to the unattentive driving (cheaper fine then the speeding) and got nothing put on my record. So those are my two moving violation convictions!