How many tickets for traffic violations have you had?

How many tickets have you had for traffic violations?

  • 0 - I'm a goody goody!

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • Less than 10 - I don't get caught often

    Votes: 12 54.5%
  • 20 - 50 - Those guys keep picking on me!

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • Over 50 - What are the rules of the road again?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
When I was 16 I got a ticket for Excessive Noise, no muffler on my 74 Chevy with a 454, it sounded BAD. No tickets for a few years, in '98 I got a ticket for following too closely when I popped over a hill and rear ended another car that was stopped in the middle of the street. I told the cop then, that I kinda felt that following too closely implies that I didn't hit her, he didn't find it very funny. That's it for tickets for me. I've had probably 20 warnings.
Aunty Em said:
So where's all the bad boys?
135 in a 55 not bad enough for you? Okay, how about drunk and disorderly? Inciting a riot (that one was a put up job)? Contempt of court (at the inciting a riot hearing)?

Please note that I was only convicted of the 135 in a 55 charge. They just make you sleep off the drunk and disordery, and the judge would have thrown out the inciting a riot but for the comtempt (what can I say, I had nothing but contempt for him and his court). You should probably also note that these are only those things I was arrested for. There were perhaps other possible offenses that went unnoticed. :D
chcr said:
In my youth, I was not always troubled by mundane things like sense, or even sanity.
no warnings, no tickets, no speedgun flashes that never made it to the house. nuffink.

i can consider myself lucky given the number of people in my office who have been done for speeding on the same stretch of road i drive every day, at the same speeds they do. at the moment i am on best behaviour, i don't want the points.
I behave around speed camaras... four speeding fines = 12 points = automatic disqualification for a year and I can't afford to be without a car...
Aunty Em said:
Well... tell the truth now!

I have been riding and driving for 26 years and can truthfully say I have NEVER had a ticket. :)

Ya mean like in the past 3 years?

If yer talkin' a grand total from all the years one's driven, an' I assume a low number is concidered a "good" score, I put myself in the 20-50 category, which, for 21 years of OTR behind-the-wheel type experience, I thought was pretty good, (considerin' the way I drive):D

BTW Aunty, how does one go about, 'risking' a ticket by merely ridin'?:D

At any rate I'd hate for someone to hand me a tally of the number of times I've DESERVED a ticket in all this time!!!
75renegade said:
BTW Aunty, how does one go about, 'risking' a ticket by merely ridin'?

I should have said... 13 years as a motorcyclist, and the rest as a car driver. ;)

... and I've ridden a bike considerably faster than I've ever driven a car... but then I was only putting myself at risk. :)
i cant remember how many times i've been stopped. been ticketed in the 10-20 range. defeated about 8 in court. i get stopped once or twice a year.
when i had my mustang, i got stopped 3 times in 1 month when it was new. in the same intersection. twice because the cop wanted to check the car out. they did a walk around and looked inside then just said "slow it down" and got back in the cruiser and took off.
I got a ticket for 77 in a 55 zone on the night before Thanksgiving 1999. My wife got two tickets in a span of about a week at the end of March. I'm taking the rap for the $290 red-light ticket, though, since it got issued in my name (red-light camera), so that I can take traffic school for that and she can take traffic school for her $340 92 in a 65 zone ticket.
I can drive, but i don't hold a license. I'm scared of the test, especially how now they have changed the format. The new test has multiple choice questions AND a hazard preperation video test, which scares me the most. :eek:
i didn't think the video was in until later this year, if its there already my other half is going to be pissed off :D
Two speeding tickets in nearly 20 years. Both were right after a speed zone change that I'd missed the sign for.
ris said:
i didn't think the video was in until later this year, if its there already my other half is going to be pissed off :D

It is, one of my younger cousins did it a few months ago and barely passed the hazard but got 35/35 for the multiple choices, he got something like 43/70 and 40 was the pass mark.
bugger, no chance of her getting her licence in the near future and letting me have a few beers in town for a change. it must be a conspiracy against me... :D
He ordered some sort of cd-rom, i'll get the name for you if you wish. He said without it he would'nt have passed.
might be useful. her birthday is coming up and i was looking for something suitably romantic :D
Oh my! :D ok, i'll probably see him this weekend, don't think me and the guy are gonna be clubbin it up for a bit :D I'll ask him :)