How much do you drink?


New Member
I remember last year nick working out he was averaging 90 units a week, for me it's probably only an average of a couple of shots a day, apart from Friday night when it's more like 50-75% of a 75cl bottle of vodka...

Are you a drunkard?
not a flame

Jerrek said:
I don't consume alcohol at all.

just to be clear - this is not a flame at all... but i'm interested as to why not.

i'm pondering giving up the evil drink myself, for purely financial reasons.
It doesn't appeal to me. My friends drink though, and I don't mind that as long as they don't get too drunk or something. :) I haven't consumed any alcohol in 14 years, and I have never been drunk.
nambit said:
i'm pondering giving up the evil drink myself, for purely financial reasons.

Same here... I'm financially fucked and if my doctor knew about my health, he'd see dollar signs before his eyes cos of the amount of times I'd have to see him... My Life Sucks at the moment...

I (almost) never drink more than two or three drinks/beers/glasses of wine in one evening. (Last Saturday night was an exception.) In the past three or four months I've only drunk on three occassions.
I rarely drink. That's not to say I don't enjoy a drink now and then, I just don't depend on it for a good time.

When I was in my late teens/early twenties I used to get squiffy on a regular basis, but the appeal sort of palls over the years and waking up with a hangover is not my idea of fun. I prefer to stay in control of my faculties these days just in case I get an offer I can't refuse. ;)

Plus it's much more comfortable and less hassle to drive home in my own car.
I drink at least 3 cans of a variety of carbonated sugar water drinks every day. I refuse to drink coke, though. :headbang:

The only times I've drank alcohol in the past year are when my uncle came over and bitched about me not being "sociable", and made me drink. The first time it was one sip of beer and I puked my guts out the rest of the night. The second time was fairly recent, and he kept filling up my glass with rum :)sick2:) and coke (*puke*). He filled it up twice before I went to the bathroom to throw up. I think next time I'm just going to tell him to lay off the "alcohol is a sociable drink", I can't stomach the stuff.
Um... probably drink about 50 units a week if I am out two "big" nights. If it's just the Friday then about 30/week I guess.
Not tee-total but I don't really drink. Plus I'll undoubtedly puke if I keep on at the stuff. :D

Like champagne though. LOL. And screwdrivers, that's about it.
i am drunk.

i am so drunk right now i can barely type.

EDIT: i guess you all figured out i lied. i was just trying to fit in :( being "cool" is way to hard when you don't drink :(
how much i drink? or two shoots, i quit drinking the way i used to.

How much alcohol i can drink?.......i'd say.....1-1.5 litres of rum/vodka/brandy, i'm still able to walk and "kind of talk" :D
I haven't been particularly bad lately, but that's mainly cos I've been in Greece. The attitude here is a lot healthier than at home. Have a glass or two with food, socialise by dining out, not sitting in the pub getting locked.

The unfortunate thing is, that the stereotypes about the drunken Irish are pretty close to the mark these days. But the profile has changed - it used to be the old man drunk in the corner - now it's usually the teenager or college student, binge-drinking and ending up in hospital having their stomach pumped. :(

But none of this astute observation from afar counts for a sh*t when I go home, cos I go out, have about 10 vodkas, and end up pissed as a newt. Granted, it's only 1 night when it used to be a few, but still... :rolleyes: