How much do you drink?

Wow, Luis, I'm impressed. Thats quite a bit.

Sadly, I don't drink at all anymore, not by choice though. Its too much hassle these days. If i were still single, I would say at least a couple bottles of wine a week. In the college days well, more, not so much as luis though. Thats monsterous. I only know one person who can drink so much, and he can even appear sober after so much, imagine that!!!
Yay, let's applaud the brain cell killing champion for ridding the world of its alcohol supply :rolleyes:

Now if we can just get them to stop making more...
don't forget that governments love alcohol...always a great product to get taxes from. they earn a shitload of money on the stuff....
Sometimes I wonder if the governments don't drink up themselves. they certainly are prone to acting like drunkards.
unclehobart said:
Noite, when I was 18 I drank 6 beers and a liter of brandy in one hour and was still walking around. I didn't enjoy the next two days though.
I drank almost 1 liter of Vodka once. I was still able to take the car home. But when I arrived at the gate I couldn't remeber how I did it there driving :eek: No need to say I puked my stomach out for a whole day :sick:
Best score without puking was liek 0.6 liter of Scotch when I was 19. I don't think I could take 250 ml today...
When I'm goung out to really have a night out I drink so much that:
1. I get broke. (This can take from 5 minutes to several hours. Depending of bytes in bank account...)
2. I cant remember anything the day after.
3. I wake upp and se a face of something that looks like a woman and get this funny feeling taht i did something i shoudn't...

I'd prefer to see anyone that is convicted of drunken driving be charged with attempted murder or something like that. A car is a priviledge, and to drive while under the influence can potentially lead to death. If Florida can sentence someone to 10 years in jail for running away from the police, you sure as hell can sentence someone to 10 to 25 years in jail for drinking while under the influence of alcohol.

And yes, I have a friend that lost his brother when he was 14 to a drunk driver. The driver survived though. God helps the person I find driving drunk, especially if he hits my car and kills a family member or friend.
I don't get drunk often but when I do I enjoy about 5-6 drinks

Unless they're coolers, then 3.5 is my limit.

Vodka and sprite or rum and coke though I can drink like 5 or 6 before i get plastered.
Erm, well saying that according to some stats that if you consrume more than 8 glasses of wine a week, you are a drunk, YES I AM!!

I do drinl rather regularly, but never to the point where I'm actually drunk (to me, it looses all it's 'fun' there) :)