How old are you?

In a few minutes, I'm 52...and they all (well...most) know it...At least I won't feel lonely in this fifty something bracket...
Squiggy said:
In a few minutes, I'm 52...and they all (well...most) know it...At least I won't feel lonely in this fifty something bracket...

Congratulations and may a well adorned day of festivites lay ahead of you (mainly beer and strippers come to mind).

As for you having a familiar age group poster make you feel more at ease and comfort well that is just a mental roadblock. We are all faceless on OTC aren't we. No age, no race, no preconcieved notions, no first impression judgements, no insecurities.....that is what makes this online and many other online communitites a excellent medium of communication with like minded and intelligeble people. Age is merely a number here, you shouldn't feel lonely here. Many appreciate you very being here and that is a blessing enough isn't it? face is plastered amidst the posts and my age is well known...I have concealed little to naught from my online friends here at OTC...The comfort is knowing someone may have a similar perspective on things from having experienced the same times and events. Often, its refreshing to hear the views from Aunty or chcr because they are closer to my age...
Squiggy said: face is plastered amidst the posts and my age is well known...I have concealed little to naught from my online friends here at OTC...The comfort is knowing someone may have a similar perspective on things from having experienced the same times and events. Often, its refreshing to hear the views from Aunty or chcr because they are closer to my age...

Sorry buddy (even if you can consider me such), i reside not in your corner of the woods of passed time.

Happy birthday anyway, from one faceless enitity to another.
But why post a ficticious age if you don't want us to know? Why not just not post one? I have no problem with a true desire for anonimty, but I can't see a reason for falsehoods. :retard:
Squiggy said:
But why post a ficticious age if you don't want us to know? Why not just not post one? I have no problem with a true desire for anonimty, but I can't see a reason for falsehoods. :retard:

Oh no..after reading few posts before it i felt to add my opinion and say 56 was old....i couldn't imagine myself at such an age.
That is a great song...I remember the day it came out. But then, I remember the day EVERY song came out.....:crying3: I'm not old...I'm not old...
Squiggy said:
That is a great song...I remember the day it came out. But then, I remember the day EVERY song came out.....:crying3: I'm not old...I'm not old...

gosh, if you can remember than you had a much healthier lifestyle than I did... ;)
You should have waited about two months more to bring this back up... then I could say I'd gotten two years older.
I've made it to 28. Not too happy about it, but, I got carded twice buying alcohol last year. I nearly kissed the guy.