How old are you?

Rose said:
mostly, I think. It's hard to tell. If a thread is at least 2 days old - you can be sure it's been hijacked and taken off topic.

If it's a day old, you can bet it will be hijacked soon...

Thread age doen't come into it if I am around though.

I've taken a thread off topic within the first 5 posts before now
I've been mistaken for a 27 year old male from new zealand today..... but I'm a 17 year old male from florida!!!
peterska2 said:
whose 21?
besides yourself who is 23?
that makes no sense at all.... :suicide:

my head doesnt work right now. Have called tech support and raised a case. Estimated time to repair is approximately 8 years
dont worry you know i never make sense unless i have my serious head on and am posting after 30 hours straight of OTC
steweygrrrr said:
besides yourself who is 23?
that makes no sense at all.... :suicide:

my head doesnt work right now. Have called tech support and raised a case. Estimated time to repair is approximately 8 years

Rose is and i jsut turned 24 last month. i think your one f the yuounger members stewy.
AlphaTroll said:
Oh, ok then, since you ask so nicely (besides, earth has the best drinks & sexiest men) :winkkiss:

I agree but I must be a martian then if earth men are sexy....(not fishing)