How to break a Gonz


molṑn labé
Staff member
Shit like this makes me want to throw up my hands & just stop caring about any of it. It wounds the spirit & stomps on the soul.

The stream of family and friends offering sympathy and support couldn't quell Cathy McLin's outrage Thursday, a day after her son Jermaine "Bobo" Martin was shot to death in her front yard in Gary.

Police say Arlene Ambrose, 47, who lives a block from the victim, drove her 15-year-old past Martin's house Wednesday afternoon, slowing down long enough for the teen to fire a shot at the mentally handicapped man.

Chicago Sun Times
What fucked up kind of person drives their kid around and making them shoot at people?

I mean, at 15, shooting people, his mom has gotta be SERIOUSLY fucked up.

It's like, why? What kind of monster shoots an innocent person for no reason?

Holy freakin God.

I hope someone handcuffs her to a bulldozer while a school bus full of pedophiles rape her precious little son, in whom she must be SO proud, and force her to watch. Then gouge her eyes out with a dull spoon and let her wander around Baghdad or somewhere.

What is wrong with people?
SouthernN'Proud said:
Holy freakin God.

I hope someone handcuffs her to a bulldozer while a school bus full of pedophiles rape her precious little son, in whom she must be SO proud, and force her to watch. Then gouge her eyes out with a dull spoon and let her wander around Baghdad or somewhere.

What is wrong with people?

With a Mom like that, the son never had a chance at a normal life without meds and counselling. To wish him to be raped by pedophiles is over the top, in my opinion.
Spirit said:
With a Mom like that, the son never had a chance at a normal life without meds and counselling. To wish him to be raped by pedophiles is over the top, in my opinion.

nah, for once, i'll say he's right on target.
2minkey said:
nah, for once, i'll say he's right on target.

I think that's so cold hearted. He's a child, for Christ's sake. He didn't have a chance with a mom like her.

nvm. If you guys really think that a child deserves to be raped, then I'm not gonna bother arguing with that demented shit.
I'm with Spirit. Normally I would say that at 15, he should be damn well responsible for his own decisions, but with the mom actually assisting in the murder, she has to be a complete psychopath. Doesn't absolve him in the least, but she's the real monster. He's just a kid with crazy parents. That's why I don't think he should get the death penalty. A long sentence, but not the death penalty.

The mom? She doesn't derseve anything better than a quick death and a shallow grave.
Spirit said:
He's a child,

No ma'am. The moment the trigger was pulled, he became a murderer. No matter how he got there, no matter how fucked up she is, he ended another mans life with malice. Not many humans murder-over 75% of them have a much tougher life than this boy did.
Spirit said:
I think that's so cold hearted. He's a child, for Christ's sake. He didn't have a chance with a mom like her.

nvm. If you guys really think that a child deserves to be raped, then I'm not gonna bother arguing with that demented shit.

junk yard dog theory.

sure, it had a bad upbringing.

but now there ain't nothin' to do but shoot it.
Granted, he does deserve punishment. I never said he didn't. But raped repeatedly is over the top.
I concur. Prison, yes...and for a looong time. It'll take that long to fix the fuck ups of his Mother. I just have a hard time wishing repeated rape on anyone that is not a repeat rapist.
Does that stuff happens in jails over there?
It sure as hell happens here.
Gonz said:
No ma'am. The moment the trigger was pulled, he became a murderer. No matter how he got there, no matter how fucked up she is, he ended another mans life with malice. Not many humans murder-over 75% of them have a much tougher life than this boy did.

He pulled the trigger, he is a killer and a murderer. She drove him she is an accomplice. Both should be held for their actions. I agree with Gonz on this one.