How to break a Gonz

He's still a kid. A kid who obeyed his parent as he was probably their puppet from birth. I'm not absolving him by any means, but I think what he needs is heavy duty counselling and if he exhibits any independant violent behaviour - keep him in the jails. *shrug* I'm no expert - but I know how I feel and how I stand on issues involving kids.
Yep, she's great at guiding.

"Ok kid, I want you to stand right there. No. More to the left. Damnit, pay attention. You're still not lined up with the bulls-eye"
Spirit said:
Aren't you a guidance counsellor?:confused: :shrug:

yeah, but every once in a while, i don't feel very "guidance - ish"....i'd never let my kids know that....but on rare occasions, i run the gambit of emotions too!
Spirit said:
He's still a kid. A kid who obeyed his parent as he was probably their puppet from birth. I'm not absolving him by any means, but I think what he needs is heavy duty counselling and if he exhibits any independant violent behaviour - keep him in the jails. *shrug* I'm no expert - but I know how I feel and how I stand on issues involving kids.

Sorry but even at 15, he should have known what would happen when he pulled the trigger. The article states that he shot, his mother only drove. Nowhere does it say she said to fire. Just slowed enough to shoot. Both are responsible here.
I don't think she is disputing that.
Say for example if a kid gets offered a joint by a friend they may feel like perhaps there is something not right about accepting it...but if your parental unit is the one offering it must be okay.
Now, murder is off the scale compared to a joint but the basic underlying principle is still there.
The Mother in this case is guilty of more than being an accomplice. The kid is still guilty and should and hopefully will do a long prison sentence...but it's not hard to see why they would engage in such activity if his Mother was involved.
tonksy said:
Say for example if a kid gets offered a joint by a friend they may feel like perhaps there is something not right about accepting it...but if your parental unit is the one offering it must be okay.

Or a box of rubbers ;)
Sex isn't illegal, Gonz.....unless you're a minor and it's sex with an individual much older than yourself....but fair enough.
Sex isn't illegal but offering your kid a box of rubbers is akin to saying - Go for it.

Parents need to see the complete message. Too bad this kid had shit for parent(s) & couldn't see past the easy life.
Spirit said:
He's still a kid. A kid who obeyed his parent as he was probably their puppet from birth.

A contrived, self serving "maybe it was like this" defense will never hold water. Facts do. He killed another person in cold blood. She abetted the crime. A family is grieving the death of a loved one because of these two pieces of shit. They forfeited any right to humane treatment they held when they did this. Fuck 'em both.
unclehobart said:
Kudos to mom for taking an interest in her sons hobbies.
Indeed, so many of them just buy the equipement and drop them off at practice. It's nice to see active involvement.
SouthernN'Proud said:
They forfeited any right to humane treatment they held when they did this.

not under the consitution

but maybe he does have a temp insanity defense, his mommy never taught him right from wrong.

I think they both should be charged, him with second, her with first.
WTF? He pulled the trigger for God's sake.

How about we just ship all the gangbanging thugs to Toronto and see how long it takes for opinions to change.

They forfeited their right to remain in a free society. That means seclusion in a controlled society. That means the rules chage, like it or not. It happens.

Any of y'all wanna stand up for 'em in court, be my guest. Otherwise, split hairs and mince words and all that shit as much as it takes to give you a tingly feeling all over. I'll be standing over on the side with a 12 guage ready to blow their sorry excuse for brains out over a wall and rid society of two more pieces of human filth. Libs and their "feeeeeeeeelings" be damned. It's precisely the amount of justice, compassion, and regard as they showed their victim. How is it suddenly unfair? They shot first. Don't let your mouth write a check your ass ain't ready to cash.
SouthernN'Proud said:
WTF? He pulled the trigger for God's sake.

How about we just ship all the gangbanging thugs to Toronto and see how long it takes for opinions to change.

They forfeited their right to remain in a free society. That means seclusion in a controlled society. That means the rules chage, like it or not. It happens.

Any of y'all wanna stand up for 'em in court, be my guest. Otherwise, split hairs and mince words and all that shit as much as it takes to give you a tingly feeling all over. I'll be standing over on the side with a 12 guage ready to blow their sorry excuse for brains out over a wall and rid society of two more pieces of human filth. Libs and their "feeeeeeeeelings" be damned. It's precisely the amount of justice, compassion, and regard as they showed their victim. How is it suddenly unfair? They shot first. Don't let your mouth write a check your ass ain't ready to cash.

cut down on the caffeine.

his only chance at a defense, due to all the witnesses is insanity, whether you or I beleive it or not, it can be used, probably not successfully

it's your constitution that has rules against cruel and unusual punishment hence

They forfeited any right to humane treatment they held when they did this

is false.

they can be humanely held in prison until such time they are release, or humanely put to death.

I beleive it was her idea, and it was preplanned, hence she should be charged with first degree murder, I think he was handed a gun, and told to shoot, and as such should be charged with second degree murder.
Coming from more of a social standpoint than a legal one, I think it's largely caused by the mother, but that does by no means wash the blood off his hands., it simply adds it to hers. They're both criminals.