How To Impress A Woman..


New Member
·Love her
·Comfort her
·Cherish her
·Protect her
·Kiss her
·Cuddle her
·Listen to her
·Support her
·Compliment her
·Respect her
·Care for her

How to impress a bloke:

·Show up naked
·Bring beer
MizzFizzTheBizz said:
How to impress a bloke:

·Show up naked
·Bring beer

And how to drive him insane enough to consider suicide..........tell him he can only have one of the two.....;)
If ya wanna impress a woman, rub her feet.

*sigh* No, not with your dick, you buttmunch. With your hands.
AlphaTroll said:
If he were a real man he'd take the beer, get pissed and then go out and find some available chick anyway :D

Yeah, what kind of man is gonna pass up free beer for just one woman?
Gotnolegs said:
Yeah, what kind of man is gonna pass up free beer for just one woman?

Probably some touchy feely new age hippy type :rolleyes:

If I were a man I'd only have a problem with choosing if it happened to be Salma Hayek (or in your case, since you love the blondies Claudia Schiffer or whatever blonde bombshell you happen to fancy) prancing in nekkid, with an ice cold keg (anything less than a keg would be a waste anyway).

Of course some men might even find a way to combine the two....
*mental flash of Salma Hayek straddling the tap of a keg, jerking spamatically*

Alright, you got me.
Easily satisfied eh? And here I was gonna throw in licking beer from the small of her back or having her open the tap just above her breasts, letting the beer run down her naked body.....
I'd take the scary beer - your mates won't give you shit forever if you confess to drinking an 'iffy' beer - might even make you hero for a day for having the guts to try it. But just mention, even in passing, that you've laid a scary chick and you'll have crap jokes thrown at you for life :rolleyes: